China is a new player in the global market of sunflower meal
In 2017-18, China significantly increased the volume of sunflower meal imports after the Ministry of Agriculture of the country signed sanitary and phytosanitary protocols and requirements for quality characteristics of imported sunflower meal from Russia and Ukraine. It is forecasted that in 2017-18, China will import about 150 thous. tons of meal. According to analysts of the Middle Kingdom, this tendency will continue in the coming years due to the rapidly growing demand for protein foods.
Agroholdings provide more than one third of the basic agricultural crops export
Ukrainian agroholdings play a key role in shaping Ukrainian grain and oilseeds exports.
Egypt and Indonesia will be the world's largest importers
According to the USDA report in June, in 2018/2019 MY Egypt (12,5 mln tons) and Indonesia (12,5 mln tons) will be the world's largest importers of wheat and the global trade volumes of this crop will be record-breaking and are estimated at 186,7 mln tons. The main impetus for the growth of grain consumption in these countries was the growth of the population, increase in the share of feed consumption and active urbanization.
Agrarians do not trust the outsourcing
In Ukraine the outsourcing of accounting and legal services has not gained widespread popularity among the agribusinesses. This is evidenced by the findings of UCAB Metrics 2018 survey, conducted by the Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club».
Agroholdings cultivate one-third of the land of all agricultural enterprises
The number of agroholdings and their land bank continues to grow in Ukraine.
85% of farmers don't use crop and yield insurance
A team of experts from the Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club» conducted a survey of agricultural enterprises in order to explore the insurance market within the UCAB Metrics 2018 study.
One third of the operating expenses of the agrarians are covered by bank loans
According to a survey «UCAB Metrics 2018» conducted by a team of analysts of the Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club» in May 2018, 51% of Ukrainian agrarians use bank lending to cover part of their operating expenses.
Agrotechnologies from Finland for Ukrainian market
On June 6, in the framework of the AGRO-2018 exhibition, with the support of the Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club», UCABEvent agency and Business Finland, a business meeting was held with a delegation of Finnish companies arrived in Kyiv to establish trade relations with Ukrainian agrarian companies.
Grain export is far behind last year
The reduction of gross crops production in 2017 to 61.9 mln tons, compared with 66 mln tons a year earlier, and the growth of competition for sales markets significantly affected the volumes of grain exports from Ukraine.
Strawberry nightmares of Poland - Ukraine is boosting the production
The start of the strawberry season was quite ambitious for Ukrainian berry growers. Prices started at 170 UAH/kg, but in three weeks they dropped sharply to 28-35 UAH/kg.