Oleh Khomenko
Director General khomenko{@}ucab.ua
Nazar Bobitski
Head of the UCAB EU office bobitski{@}ucab.ua
Oleksandr Boiko
Advisor to the President of UCAB
Liudmyla Stotska
Deputy Director General stotska{@}ucab.ua


Alla Kravchenko
Deputy Director General for International Issues kravchenko{@}ucab.ua

Liudmyla Litvinchuk
Head of Communications litvinchuk{@}ucab.ua
Mariia Sabadash
Press secretary sabadash{@}ucab.ua


Svitlana Lytvyn
Head of the analytical department lytvyn{@}ucab.ua
Maksym Gopka

Ihor Lisetskyy
Coordinator of the Land Committee
lisetskyy{ @ }ucab.ua
Anna Kashyrina
Coordinator of Crop Protection and Seed Committee kashyrina{@}ucab.ua

Liudmyla Derdiichuk
Project Manager derdiichuk{@}ucab.ua
Anatoliy Tsyrkun
General Director of UCABevent and UCABtravel Agencies tsyrkun{@}ucab.ua


Oleksandr Radchenko
Project manager radchenko{@}ucab.ua
Max Lapa
Project manager m.lapa{@}ucab.ua
CFO romanchuk{@}ucab.ua
Kateryna Tkachenko
Project manager tkachenko{@}ucab.ua
Olena Kovtun
Deputy Director General on Cooperation with Agricultural Universities and Scientific Institutions kovtun{@}ucab.ua

Sofia Yakymenko
Junior legal counsel
Ksenia Trachenko
UCABevent project manager