The indexation of freight tariffs will take place in November
The State Regulatory Service of Ukraine allowed public joint-stock company Ukrzaliznytsia to increase the tariffs for rail freight transportation by 15%.
Agrarian export has reached record high levels
The share of agricultural products in the overall export structure from Ukraine for 9 months increased slightly from 40.2% to 41.3% compared to the same period last year.
Ukraine is rapidly expanding the export of berries to Europe
The import of berries by the EU countries has tripled over the last five years and continues to grow. Significant volumes of berries are grown in EU countries, but the demand for these products remains significantly higher than their own production.
The expected yield of oilseeds is 18 mln tons
As of October 11, 14 mln tons of oilseed crops were harvested in Ukraine: 2.1 mln tons of rapeseed, 2.3 mln tons of soybeans and 9.5 mln tons of sunflower.
Rapeseed can become a niche crop in Ukraine
In the near future, Ukrainian rapeseed production may return to the indicators of the early 90's in 40-130 thous. tons.
UCAB opposes the test regime of the system for blocking tax invoices
The Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” sent an official appeal to Nina Yuzhanina, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Tax and Customs Policy, requesting the rejection of the Bill No. 7115.
![UCAB prices UCAB prices](/imglib/_newimage/pres_sluzhba/novosti/v_ukraini_zavershuetsya_sezon_pikovogo_virobnitstva_ovochiv/1584.jpg)
The seasonal peak of vegetable production ends in Ukraine
As predicted, in September the vegetable prices showed a downward price trend. The onion fell in price most of all (-9%), while potato and beet prices decreased by 1%. The offer increase of apples led to the price drop of 18%. Meat and milk increased in price by 2%-4%. The group of grocery products has remained unchanged.
![bussines index agri ucab bussines index agri ucab](/imglib/_newimage/pres_sluzhba/novosti/59295/1584.jpg)
Agriculture Business Climate dropped in August 2017
Kyiv, 13th September 2017. August survey on Agriculture Київ, 13 вересня, 2017 р. Дослідження аграрного бізнес-клімату у серпні 2017 року продемонструвало погіршення у сприйнятті сільськогосподарськими виробниками їхніх бізнес-результатів та бізнес-перспектив в Україні. У порівнянні до лютого 2017 р., оцінка поточної бізнес-ситуації критично погіршилась, проте оцінка бізнес перспектив зменшилась незначно. Порівняння з результатами серпня 2016 р., коли Business Climate demonstrates weakening of perception of agricultural producers about their business performance and opportunities in Ukraine. In light of this evaluation, compared to February 2017, the estimates of the current situation decreased tremendously, whereas business expectations for the upcoming year dropped just slightly. In addition, comparison with the estimates of August 2016 (when Agriculture Business Climate boosted significantly) results in a rather poor evaluation of the current business climate in agriculture of Ukraine.
Ukrainian butter exports are at record level
In the first eight months of the current year, the butter exports from Ukraine totaled almost 18 thous. tons - an absolute record for the last ten years. This volume is already 1,5 times more than the exports for the whole last year. At the same time, in 2016, 12 thous. tons of butter were exported abroad.
Agrarian associations expressed their proposals on state support for agro-industrial complex in 2018
On October 4, a round table on “How to make state support of agribusiness in 2018 as effective as possible” was held. At the meeting, the heads of agricultural profile associations, members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, people's deputies formed the position of the sector on the order of the target programs and the use of state support funds for 2018.