Hemp growing has been revived in Ukraine
Decline in hemp growing was observed throughout the period of independence of Ukraine. This led to the fact that in 2009 the acreage of this crop amounted to merely 50 ha. For comparison, in 1990 this figure was 10.2 ths. ha. But now the situation is changing.
Price for pork increased again
As it was forecasted, the purchase price for live pigs started to increase again. During the second half of October, the price increased by 5,7%.
Salary in agriculture increased by one third
According to State Statistics Service of Ukraine the average salary per worker in agriculture in August 2015 amounted to 3194 UAH, which is 34% more than at the beginning of the year.
Ukrainians choose cheaper sweets
In January-September 2015 food products in Ukraine went up by 47% compared to the same period of the previous year, while personal income increased by only 17%.
Rabbit and lamb are the most desired types of niche meat
According to UCAB research, Ukrainians would like to increase the consumption of rabbit and lamb meat among other types of niche meat.
Market of agricultural equipment continued falling in 2015
During January-August 2015 the imports of agricultural machinery and equipment decreased by one third compared with the same period of 2014.
Has Ukrainian agribusiness regained the trust?
At the beginning of this week the capitalization of Ukrainian public agricultural companies exceeded USD 3 billion. Before the global financial crisis, this figure reached USD 10 billion, later, by 2014, after a period of bankruptcies and acquisitions it stabilized within USD 6-7 billion.
The price for grain crops increased
During the last week (09.10-16.10.2015) predominantly upward price trend was observed on the grain market, only the purchase price for wheat of third class remained at the level of 3100 UAH/t.
In September Ukraine exported record volume of cheese
According to customs statistics, in September 2015 Ukraine exported 2 ths. tons of cheese. This was a record volume this year.
Ukrainian milk is going up in price
In the first half of October prices for raw milk in Ukraine rose by 6.3%, according to the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB).