The rates of sowing rape are in one and a half times higher than last year
As of September 6 601 thousands of hectares sowed with rapeseeds, which is 54% higher comparing to the rate of the previous year. In total, sown area of winter rapeseeds crop in 2017 is expected to cover 724 thousands of hectares or 10% more than during the harvest in 2016.
Import of pork is reduced by 36%
Due to the information of Custom service of Ukraine, during January – July 2016 import of pork in dollar value reduced by 36% to 3, 3 M USD, compared to the same period in 2015 (5.1 M USA).
The vegetables of borsch set have cheapened by 37% during the year
In August the cost of borsch set (total cost of 1 kg of cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots and beets) ranged from 15.96 UAH to 16.44 UAH, while in August 2015 - 24,06-27,11 UAH.
Value of capital investment in agriculture increased by 74%
During the first six months of 2016 value of capital investment in agriculture has increased to 17 billion USD, which is in 73.8% higher than last year. During this period of time, investments in the agricultural sector are supposed to be the largest among the others economic sectors in Ukraine.
Ukrainian milk and cream export increased
Due to information of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, milk and cream export during first seven months of 2016 has increased by 6.6% comparing to the same period in 2015 and reached 2.7 M USD which in physical volumes accounts for 5.2 k tons (+0.08 k tons or +1.6%).
Agrarian business associations against fertilizers import limitations
Agribusiness NGOs in Ukraine do not support administrative price regulations asking for abolishment of anti-dumping custom duties for ammonium nitrate and other additional implementations of duties for carbamide, mixed ammonium nitrate with carbamide.
Ukraine entered a group of three leading flour suppliers to Indonesia
Despite overall narrowing of Indonesian flour import due to development of internal milling facilities, Ukraine has increased supplies of this products group and thus, Ukraine has overcome its competitors from Turkey and India.
Ukraine increased cereals export
Due to the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine cereals’ export volume during seven months of 2016 has reached 17.1 k tons – 33.5% extra comparing to the same period of 2015. In money terms export of this products’ group has increased by 34.8% and reached 5.1 M USD.
Ukrainian business actively exports glucose and syrups to EU
As of August 15, 2016 Ukrainian business entities has used 27% of EU’s quotas for glucose and 10% for non-tariff custom quotas on sugar products comparing to 6% and 16% during the same period in 2015.
Chicken meat production increased, pork meat production decreased
Ukraine Statistics Services reports 673.4 k tons of chicken meat produced in first seven months of 2016 exceeding the same period indicator of 2015 by 4.5%. Production volume increase is typical for large production entities with developed sales destinations internationally. Household production volumes remain stable at the level of 98.5 k tons (+0.8% comparing to previous year).