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02 September 2024


Russia: Novorossiysk sea trading port increased grain share in the general cargo flow by 3 times

During the first quarter of 2009, the cargo flow of Novorossiysk sea trading port totaled 21 mln tons, an increase of 2.5 mln tons compared to the same period of 2008, declared the media-department of the port on April 15.



Ukraine: agricultural products output increased by 1.7%

During the first quarter of 2009, the general production of agricultural goods in all types of economies increased by 1.7%, including agricultural economies - up by 7%, economies of the population - down by 2.3%, declared the State Committee of Statistics on April 15.



Sea ports of Russia increased grain shipment by 7 times

During the first quarter of 2009, the general cargo flow of sea ports of Russia increased by 4.5% compared to the same period of the previous year, and totaled 110.6 mln tons.



Tymoshenko Advocates Need to Build Small & Average Grain Elevators

Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko stands for fastest creating of the program of building of small and average elevators, with free access for the villagers. She announced during the meeting dedicated to the development of agricultural service cooperatives.



Ukraine Raises Grain Harvest Forecast 6.7% to 48 Million Tons

Ukraine, the world’s biggest barley exporter, increased its 2009 grain harvest forecast 6.7 percent to as much as 48 million metric tons.



Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine increased grain harvest forecast in 2009

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine increased own forecast for grain harvest in the current year by 6.7% – from 45 to 48 mln tons, declared Yuri Melnik, the Minister of Agrarian Policy, on April 13.



Ukraine almost completed early spring sowing campaign

Ukraine almost completed early spring sowing campaign



Ukraine: in January-February commodity exports decreased by 38.6%, imports – by 47.5%

In January-February of 2009, commodity exports from Ukraine totaled 5.13 bln USD, imports – 5.84 bln USD. The export volumes decreased by 38.6% compared to January-February of 2008, imports – by 47.5%.



Russia: United grain company not determined concerning participation of private investors

The government has not brought up the issue concerning participation of private investors in United grain company yet, declared Viktor Zubkov, the First Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation, on April 4.



Russian Federation not to support backbone enterprises

To date, any of the backbone enterprises of the Russian Federation have not still received governmental support, declared Sergey Stepashin, the chairman of the Accounts Chamber, on April 6.

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  • NCH Advisors
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