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07 September 2024


Ukraine: as of August 27, exchange market to sell over 5 mln tonnes of new crop grains

According to data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, as of August 27, 2010, the trading volumes of grains of the harvest-2010 on the exchange market of Ukraine totaled 5.13 mln tonnes, including 1.85 mln tonnes on spot contract conditions, and over 3.28 mln tonnes on forward conditions.



Ukraine's share in world trade in sunflower oil may grow to 65% - BG Capital

Ukrainian weather proved to be favorable for most oilseeds. In this regard, BG Capital experts predict an increase in sunflower yield by 5%.



Global dairy prices soar 16.9%

Concerns global milk production could be hit by a low European grain harvest helped send dairy prices soaring 16.9% at Fonterra's globalDairyTrade internet auction on Wednesday.



Ukraine ports hold up grain shipments

While Ukraine's government has delayed official quotas on grain exports, it seems the customs at Odessa, Nickolayev, and Ilyichevsk ports have already put a de facto ban in place.



USDA announces next steps on GM sugar beets

THE USDA'S Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has announced its next steps in response to a recent court decision on Roundup Ready sugar beets.



European Union - Meat prices stable

Consumer prices in the euro area (the economic and monetary union of 16 member states) rose to 1.7% per annum in July, the highest rate in 20 months, according to the European Index of Consumer Prices. However, the food price index rose by a slight 0.8% per annum, while meat prices remained stable.



Bulgaria's New Wheat Sales Doubled in 2010 on Russian, Ukrainian Drought

Bulgaria’s exports of new-crop wheat and barley doubled this year after Russia and Ukraine curbed grain sales as drought and bad weather damaged their crops, said Radoslav Hristov, president of the Grain Producers Association.



Russia - The grain crisis

Russia admits crop loss of 38%; self sufficient in 2010 but no reserves for 2011



Germany makes first purchase of US wheat in three years

A German miller bought a cargo of US spring wheat last week as a rain-damaged German crop forced the traditional exporter to buy US milling wheat for the first time in three years, US traders said on Tuesday.



Ukraine parliament head against grain exports being subject to quotas

The chairman of Ukraine's parliament has protested a proposal for restrictions on grain exports, arguing that they might be a stimulus for paying bribes for export permission, the parliament press service said on Wednesday.

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