Press releases

Presented Outlook for Ukrainian Agricultural Market with Results for 2024
UCAB jointly with the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine presents the first outlook of the Ukrainian agricultural market - analysis of the dynamics and structure of production and agricultural products to global world markets in 2024. The study was prepared with the assistance and support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

“EU-Ukraine – building understanding on agricultural realities: focus on the sugar and poultry sectors
On October 8, Brussels hosted a joint meeting of representatives of the Public Union “Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum” (UNAF) and the European association Copa-Cogeca on the topic “EU-Ukraine – building understanding on agricultural realities: focus on the sugar and poultry sectors”, which was attended by UNAF Director Mariia Didukh, Head of the European Integration Committee UCAB Oleksandra Avramenko, Head of the UCAB EU office Nazar Bobitski and representatives of other industry associations in Ukraine.

European integration: top 3 tools that Ukraine should focus on
The integration of Ukrainian agriculture into the EU single market presents both challenges and opportunities. With careful preparation and support from the EU, the Ukrainian agri-food sector can become a valuable asset and contribute to food security in Europe.

The Ukrainian agricultural sector welcomes the EU Joint Business Declaration calling for a more open EU trade policy
The Ukrainian farmers and agricultural exporters, represented by UCAB, welcome the EU Joint Business Declaration published on July 15 and signed by 31 leading European business associations, which calls for a more open EU trade policy.

Ukrainian Agriculture and the European Green Deal
Ukrainian Agribusiness Club together with UCABevent agency organized an online discussion “Ukrainian Agriculture and the European Green Deal” on the 21th of May during which speakers discussed how the Ukrainian agricultural sector, alongside European farmers and producers, handles the challenges of the impact of the European Green Deal on agriculture.

5 Myths about the Ukrainian Agriculture
Ukrainian Agribusiness Club together with UCABevent agency organized an online discussion “5 Myths about the Ukrainian Agriculture” on the 21th of March during which speakers tried to dispel the most common myths attributed to the Ukrainian agriculture by politicians, protesters and media in Europe.

Ukrainian farmers welcome a compromise proposal on extending EU trade preferences to Ukraine
The Ukrainian farmers and agriproducers, members of UCAB welcome a compromise proposal on extending EU trade preferences for Ukraine, reached yesterday evening at the trialogue consultations and confirmed today at the European Parliament INTA Committee. It is high time for the Member States to heed the opinion of the European Parliament and accept the compromise proposal.

UCAB, together with European agricultural associations, call on the European Parliament to reconsider the amendments on suspension of import duties and quotas
UCAB and leading European agricultural associations respectfully suggest reconsideration of the proposed amendments by the European Parliament about suspending import duties and quotas on Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU, that were voted on 13th of March 2024.

Trade liberalisation with the EU is critical for Ukraine's survival and deterring the enemy, - UСAB
This week in Brussels is significant for Ukraine: there will be a new round of discussions regarding EU Regulation on autonomous trade measures (ATM) for Ukraine. Proposed amendments to the Regulation can worsen the economic, financial and social spheres of Ukraine and significantly affect the deterrence of russian aggression.

Ukrainian farmers are grateful to the European Parliament for a strong signal of support
UCAB welcomes the vote in the European Parliament international trade (INTA) committee taken today in Brussels to support the proposal of the European Commission to extend for another year the existing EU additional trade preferences for Ukraine.