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22 December 2024



Agriculture Business Climate Index in November 2015

The current Agriculture Business Climate Index (ABCI) was developed and implemented on the base of common efforts by German-Ukrainian Agriculture Policy Dialog (APD) and Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) on the base of the German Business Climate Index. In the future periodic implementation is foreseen on a quarterly base. ABCI expresses subjective views of producers on the current situation as well as their expectations about the business climate in one year time. The Agriculture Business Index indicates about past changes of business climate.

In November 2015, the Agriculture Business Climate in Ukraine is still rather negative with -3.1 pp, but higher than in August 2015 (-6.7 pp). While the evaluation of the current situation is quite negative (-8.8 pp), expectations about the business climate in one year time are still positive (+2.7 pp) - In light of changes since August 2015 the Agriculture Business Index amounts to 102.7 pp, indicating to slightly improved evaluation of the business climate over the past three months.

The most negative evaluation of Agriculture Business Climate are expressed with regard to the (i) state support (subsidies) for the agricultural business development, (ii) impact of economic situation in Ukraine on agribusiness and (iii) current general policy situation (-68.6 pp, -67.1 pp and - 58.3 pp respectively). Such results confirm the importance of the general framework in comparison to specific agriculture policies.

At the same time (i) access to qualified employees and professional knowledge, (ii) extent of business and (iii) access to modern machinery and equipment are the most positively assessed factors (+48.1 pp, +39.1 pp and +30.6 pp respectively). - The Agriculture Business Index shows the most worsened evaluation with regards to access to third party capital (83.4 pp), while the index on the extent of business has improved significantly (138.5 pp).

Crucial difference in assessment of the Agriculture Business Climate is observed between the attitudes of agricultural entrepreneurs and private households: the first are much more optimistic about their current situation and its perspectives for the next year, whereas individual producers assessed the agriculture business climate quite negative (-21.6 pp). - Moreover, Agriculture Business Index indicates improving evaluation by individual households since August 2015 (106.3 pp) as well as by farm enterprises (slightly more than 101 pp), whereas agriholdings indicate to a worsening down to 98.5 pp.

Crop producers have improved their evaluation of the Agriculture Business Climate slightly (100.7 pp) and contribute now, in November 2015, with +15.5 pp rather positive to the general assessment of Agriculture Business Climate. The Agriculture Business Climate for cattle breeding has worsened since August 2015, but is still evaluated also positive although on a much lower level (+3.6 pp).


Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" 

3 floor, 146 Zhylianska Str.

01032 Kyiv, Ukraine

Phone/Fax: +380 44 2362097/79 

Anna Feshchenko


The Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) was founded in 2007 to protect the economic and professional interests of players of agribusiness in Ukraine. UCAB is a unique platform in Ukraine for establishing business contacts between the leaders of agribusiness, improvement their work and dialogue with the government. UCAB actively supports Ukrainian producers in establishing and maintaining international business relations. The Association consists of the largest producers and processors of agricultural products in Ukraine.


Last comments


UKAB member


Ми неодноразово публічно виступали проти відміни пільгового режиму оподаткування аграріїв та розуміємо який негатив несуть ці зміни. Водночас індекс відображає виключно настрої аграріїв, а не асоціації.
З однієї сторони, частина опитаних повноцінно не розуміє анонсовані зміни чи не вірить в те, що дію пільг буде скасовано, з іншої - частину вибірки складають домогосподарства, яких напряму система оподаткування сільського господарства не стосується, та дрібні господарства, які розраховують на обіцяні урядом компенсатори.


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А как насчет этого?

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  • Agroscop
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  • credit agricole
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