
Milk producers have lost 150 million UAH for a month after banning exports to Russia
By the estimation of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB), as a result of reduction of purchasing prices for milk, the income of agricultural enterprises from milk realization has declined for the month by 150 mln UAH.

Ukrainian grain export reaches 32 million tonnes
Ukraine exported 32 million tonnes of crops in 2013-2014 marketing year (MY). The press service of the Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry informs.

FAO: More people than ever before rely on fisheries and aquaculture for food
Presently more people than ever before are relying on fisheries and aquaculture for food and as a source of income, UN Radio says referring to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) recent report.

Ukrainian May 19 grains export totaled 30,747.000 MT
As of May 19, Ukrainian grains export totaled 30,747.000 MT (incl. wheat - 8,832.000 MT; maize - 19,269.000 MT; barley - 2,297.000 MT; others grains - 349,000 MT), Government Portal reports referring to the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food operative data.

Ukraines sowings outlook darkens, unlike in Russia
Credit constraints, and rising prices of farm inputs, in Ukraine will prompt a fall up of up 10% in spring sowings in the crisis-hit country, an industry group warned, as Black Earth Farming unveiled a more optimistic assessment for Russia.

Ukraine prepares to lift embargo for Polish meat
Ukraine will be ready to take a decision on raising an embargo for import of Polish meat by results of an audit.

Ag giant Deere warns on Russia, Ukraine markets
Deere & Co cautioned over the dent to the former Soviet Union farm machinery from the knock-on effects of the Ukraine crisis as the farm machinery giant trimmed hopes for its full-year sales.

The sowing areas of spring grains and legumes may be up to 10% less than expected in Ukraine
According to the official information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, nearly 7.2 million hectares have been sown under spring grains and legumes as of May 13. This number is 6.5% or 0.5 million hectares less than the previous year, even when considering that sowing period has started earlier this year. It was stated by the Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club”.

EU opens market for Ukraine
The European Union has fully opened its market for Ukrainian goods and services with about 98% of duties nullified.

Crimean occupants will close ports
The occupation forces of Crimea intend to close ports of Feodosia and Yevpatoria. Deputy Chairman of the self-proclaimed government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Rustam Temirhaliev wrote on Facebook about this.