Ukrainians are to waste UAH 430 mln during New Year holidays
According to the annual UCAB survey, this year Ukrainians might waste food products totaling to UAH 430 mln. Compared with last year this figure dropped by 21% and is the lowest over five years of conducting survey.
Imports of sausages decreased more than twice
During January-November Ukraine imported 308 tons of sausage products, whereas last year this indicator amounted to 648 tons.
UCAB has updated the board of the Presidium
Members of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) yesterday, 17 December 2015, reelected their Presidium during the General Annual Meeting.
The adoption of the new tax code will be implemented in 2016
Factions in the Parliament have agreed with the Cabinet of Ministers on the approval of the State budget for 2016, based on the current tax code, which will be partially modified.
IMC completed corn harvesting corn
Bunker yield of corn amounted at 7.3 t/ha, which is 28% greater than the average amount in Ukraine (according to information of Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine as of December 14, 2015 average corn yields in Ukraine totaled at 5.68 t/ha on 99% of the harvesting areas).
15 thousand of farmers are against the destruction of an industry that feeds everyone in Ukraine
December, 17 at 11:00 AM more than 15 thousand representatives of relevant agricultural associations, farmers' organizations, villagers and city residents will gather outside the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (str. Grushevskogo, 5) demanding the preservation of the current provisions of the Tax Code dealing with the agriculture special tax regime.
Coriander has fallen by 40%
During the year prices for coriander decreased by 8500 UAH/t (-40%) and amounted at 13500 UAH/t.
Import of fish decreased by 28%
According to the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, during the 11 months of 2015 was imported by 28% fish less than for the same period 2014 - 186.7 thous. t. Major suppliers were Norway, Iceland and the United States.
The VII International Conference "Doing agribusiness in Ukraine: a time for profound transformations» was conducted in Kyiv
In Kyiv on the 10th of December was conducted VII International Conference "Doing agribusiness in Ukraine: time for profound transformations," which was organized by the Association "Ukrainian agribusiness Club" and the Agency AgriEvent.
Agriculture Business Climate Index in November 2015
The current Agriculture Business Climate Index (ABCI) was developed and implemented on the base of common efforts by German-Ukrainian Agriculture Policy Dialog (APD) and Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) on the base of the German Business Climate Index.