Agriculture machineries’ production growth in Ukraine
Currently production of agriculture machineries and equipment has increased. Thus, during 1H 2016 768 disk-shaped harrows, 1981 seeders and 2274 cultivators have been produced which is 68%, 46% and 25% extra comparing to previous year results. Growth in production was marked with 2% soil tillage machines’ export decrease as a result of internal demand rise for Ukrainian technics.
23% growth of wages in agriculture
Due to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, in first five months of 2015 average salary in agriculture has reached 3445 UAH which is 23% extra comparing to preceding years. At the same time, level of wages in agriculture is 26% less than average wage in Ukraine being one of the lowest within all the industries. Lowest level of wages was noted within medicine, culture and education industries.
Lowest rapeseed sowing areas in the decade
Statistics Service of Ukraine has published a report with lowest estimation of rapeseed sowing areas level in the decade, particularly 456 k ha.
The UCAB Association calls to abolish export custom’s tariffs for flax and false flax’s seeds
The Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club stands for abolishment of export tariffs for seeds of flax and false flax. Nowadays 10% export custom tariff is applicable in Ukraine for sunflower, flax and false flax’s seeds aiming to facilitate internal processing in the country to expand export of oils and other processing products. Nevertheless, such custom tariff has no any crux concerning flax’s seeds. International market operators don’t deal with flax’s oil. Thus, flax’s seeds trade value on global markets has reached M 868 USD, whereas global value of flax’s oil trade counted only at M 121 USD.
Shadow economy in agriculture has decreased by 6%
Based on published research of the Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine, in 2015 level of shadow economy in agriculture has reached 8% which is 6% less than previous indication.
Share of employed citizens in agriculture has increased to 17.5%
According to information of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine published on July 15, 2016, share of employed individuals in agriculture has increased to 17.5% in 2015. From 2010 to 2015, the share has increased by 2.1%, but absolute amount of employees has decreased from 20.3 to 16.4 M during the same time period.
Agriculture machineries’ import has doubled
During 6 months of 2016 Ukrainian business entities have imported agro machineries valued at 233 M USD, along with tillage machineries for 123 M USD exciding same indicators of preceding year in 2.7 and 2 times accordingly.
Export of mutton and goats’ meat has increased fourfold
According to information published by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, export value of mutton and goat’s meat has raised fourfold and reached 45k USD in 1H2016 comparing to 1H2015.
The UCAB Association supports signing of memorandum by grain business and the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine
Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine and grain business’s entities have signed memorandum about mutual persecution and understanding. In particular, the memorandum foresees export correction based on real production and yield projections.
Ukraine has exported wax valued at 1M USD
According to information of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, national producers have exported 15.1 k tons of natural honey during 1H 2016 which is 13.1% extra comparing to the same period of 2015. But in money terms export of honey has decreased by 8.6% and reached 30 M USD.