The vegetables of borsch set have cheapened by 37% during the year

In August the cost of borsch set (total cost of 1 kg of cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots and beets) ranged from 15.96 UAH to 16.44 UAH, while in August 2015 - 24,06-27,11 UAH. Thus, vegetables cheapen by 37% during the year. Compared with July, the price of cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots and beets decreased by 14%.
The cheapen of vegetables caused by the arrival of products to the market and by new crop of better quality compared to the last year. Also, the interruption of Ukrainian vegetables to Russia and the Crimea affected the price situation, which additionally increased the supply on the market.
According to forecasts of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, this year's harvest of vegetables is expected to reach 8.9 million tons comparing with domestic consumption of 6.7 million tons.