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20 January 2025


How to sell potato for the Belarusians or not by snails alone

In January - November 2016 Ukraine exported 4.9 thous. tons of potato to the total amount of USD 1.3 million. In 2015 the total volume of potato supplied abroad was 15.3 thous. tons amounting to USD 2.5 million. This year the Ukrainian potato has been exported to Belarus almost to the fullest extent. The share of this country in the total supply of potatoes exported to foreign markets was 91% over 11 months of 2016 amounting to USD 1.2 million. In 2015 the share of Belarus amounted to 49%.



From the auction sale of land, budget can be increased by USD 20 billion

‘Moratorium on land is a screen that serves for hiding schemes, and thereby extends and deepens shadowing of the land relations’, the President of the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ expressed his view in television debates ‘Great contrview’ with Kisieliov on NewOne channel. According to Alex Lissitsa, cancellation of land moratorium is only a possibility for people to sell their land, but not an obligation, ‘We are talking only about the possibility of land owner to choose, nothing more nor less. It should be mentioned as well that the farmers received land in the 90s, when they were at the age of 30-50, and now they are 70+. Today about 50% of people are willing to sell their land shares. In most cases people want to receive an opportunity and sell the land in order to spend their age of maturity in good conditions.



Ukraine exports more snails than lard

Over the last three years Ukraine has increased its volumes of snail export. In 2013 the Ukrainian producers exported 3 tons of shellfish, in 2014 - 58 tons, in 2015 - 260 tons, and for the first 10 months of this year it has exported 347 tons. For comparison, within 10 months of this year only 51 tons of Ukrainian lard and 9 tons of mutton have been exported abroad.



New Year Olivie salad will cost less

This year cost of the main New Year meal will be 4% less for the Ukrainians than the previous year and will amount to 79 UAH/serving piece (≥3kg). According to the UCAB price monitoring, this year the cost of salad is lower owing to significant price decrease of vegetables, for instance, potato lost 47% in value and its price reduced to 3.7 UAH/kg, carrots lost 65% in value and its price reduced to 4 UAH/kg, onions lost 60% in value amounting to 4.30 UAH/kg. This is due to the increased production of vegetables (+ 3%) up to 8.6 million tons. The price for eggs reduced by 12% as well and constitute up to UAH 20.6 per 10 pcs. The latter was caused by reduction of export volumes in a light of epizootic situation in the country.



Farmers viewed favorably budget and amendments to the Tax Code

Agricultural non-governmental associations of Ukraine applied to Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, with a request to support legislative instruments approved on December 21 in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine regarding incorporation of amendments into taxation system and state support for agricultural producers.



Syngenta held a charity exhibition to support children with disabilities

A charity exhibition fair of children’s works ‘Workshop of Dreams’ initiated by the leading international company ‘Syngenta’ together with a gallery of modern art ‘Garna Gallery’ took place on 22 December 2016. Pupils of creative studio ‘DIMFO’, which educates children with disabilities, showed their works.



Agricultural land shadow market will constitute more than UAH 10 billion in 2017

Ucab Agricultural land shadow market will constitute more than UAH 10 billion in 2017

In compliance with current legislation of Ukraine the land rent agreements can be executed for 50 years or by virtue of emphyteusis without limit in time. These regulations are effective more than 10 years, but the activation of execution of the rent agreements for a term of 50 years and emphyteusis took place only in 2016.



Belarus rye sets the records of Ukrainian import

In January-November 2016 Ukraine imported a record amount of rye - 16.3 thousand tons that in monetary terms is USD 2.5 million. Whereas, for the same period previous year only 0.03 thousand tons of product amounting to USD 0.09 million were imported.



How will land consolidation increase income of communities?

Within 2016 1,340 land auctions were announced to be held that is by 31% more than the same period last year. The majority of these auctions is aimed at selling the right to lease agricultural lands.



Spring sowing can be disrupted due to impossibility of seeds certification

Members of the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’, American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation as well as trade unions operating in the area of seed growing and seedling, in particular Seed Association of Ukraine and Ukrainian Seed Partnership uniting and representing interests of the leading market seed participants submitted an open letter to Volodymyr Hroisman, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, with a request not to jeopardize spring sowing for 2017. A reason for the possible disruption of sowing is inability to certify seed materials.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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