What prices shall the Ukrainians expect on the eve of New Year?

In November the meat preserved price stability, but in December its cost will increase by 7-10%.
Prices for all kinds of meat in this November, comparing with October, did not significantly change. The cost of beef increased by 1%, pork fell in price by 2%, poultry fell in price by 1%. The highest rise of price was typical for milk, its cost increased by 10% in November comparing with the previous month. This rise is caused by the increasing prices for raw milk as well as seasonal decline of its production volume. Price for sugar increased by 7%. This sharp increase is related to the fact that the consumer market is being supplied with the products of new marketing year, the prime cost of which is higher as compared to the previous year. 2% rise in price for wheat bread is stipulated by growth of the product prime cost, namely the growth of price for electricity. Prices for apples decreased in November by 7%. Consumption of more domestic products with a slightly lower price compared to imported apples was the fundamental reason for this.
‘In December 5-10% rise in price for milk is forecasted that is primarily conditioned by the rising cost of raw milk and seasonal contraction of production. In December the demand for meat is going to increase from population and processors in view of the New Year coming, that will trigger price increase by 7-10%’, commented Petro Lakhai, Analyst of Agricultural Markets of the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’.
For reference: Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ has introduced monthly monitoring of prices for basic foodstuff, namely vegetables of borshch set, apples, meat, milk, oil, sugar, buckwheat and wheat bread. Review is prepared at the beginning of each month including analytical information regarding two previous months and forecast for the current month.