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13 March 2025



The losses of winter crops are extremely low this year

According to Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the losses of winter crops in the current production season is only 5 thous. ha of winter rapeseed or 0,6% of 864 thou. ha of sowings and 0,1 thous. ha of winter wheat or only 0,002% of 5943 thous. ha, the rest of winter crops have not suffered losses during overwintering. This is the lowest losses of winter crops in the history of Ukraine's independence. For comparison, in 2017, the losses of winter rapeseed totaled 6% and winter wheat - 0.3%.

The lowest losses of winter crops were due to several factors. Winter temperature regimes came to Ukraine abnormally late, which allowed winter crops, even late sowing, to reach optimal phases for a successful overwintering.

In winter, there were no problems with germination and subsequent nutrition, there was enough moisture in the soil. Low temperatures (-20° C) weren’t long-term and didn’t have a significant impact on the crops, as a sufficient snow cover was formed that protected crops from low temperatures and other adverse factors.

«80% of winter crop sowings are now in a good and satisfactory condition. At the beginning of the spring vegetation period, this rate varies in the range of 60-70%. Taking into account this year's rates of winter crops in Ukraine, it is good precondition for a high yield», - said Petro Lakhay, analyst of agricultural markets of the Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club».

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