This year's grain yield is at record levels

As of 7 September, Ukraine has harvested 37.7 mln tons of grain and legumes, that is 896 thous. tons less than the same period last year. Despite the unfavorable weather conditions in spring, grain and legumes yields are only by 1.5% lower than last year and amount to 38.4 centner/ha.
At present, the harvesting of maize starts and according to producers' expectations its yield will range from 6 to 6.5 tons/ha, that will allow to harvest 27-29 mln tons. Accordingly, the gross yield of cereals and legumes will fluctuate within 64-66 mln tons, which corresponds to indicator of the past record year.
You can find more information about the balances of cereals and oilseeds in the section "Agricultural markets" of the study "Doing Agribusiness in Ukraine".