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09 March 2025



Ukraine gets UAH 50 mln in investments over half year

Five regional centers for investment and development (RCID) of the State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine (Derzhinvestproekt) within six months of the year attracted to the national economy more than UAH 50 million, Derzhinvestproekt chief Serhiy Yevtushenko told reporters on Monday.

"We note that for six months five regions have managed to show positive dynamics of cooperation with investors and attract to the state's economy more than UAH 50 million. Of course, the order of numbers might be different, but the military factor slows down the process," Yevtushenko said.

According to him, after the signing of the economic part of the Association Agreement with the EU and the beginning of active cooperation with international finance institutions, the macroeconomic situation in the country has somewhat improved, and this is a positive signal for investors. But Yevtushenko added that because of the situation in the east of Ukraine the investment process is somewhat slow.

The director of Derzhinvestproekt's investment policy and regional development, Vasyl Fediuk, in turn, said: for the first six months in 2014 the best results in attracting investment were showed by Lviv region, which could bring to the region's economy $ 2,416 million, Zakarpattia region received $ 1.58 million, Poltava region- $ 116,000, Rivne - $ 100,000, Zaporizhzhia - $ 48,000.

A reminder that in 2012 with the help of regional centers for investment and development the Ukrainian economy raised $ 68 million. In 2013, Ukraine received investments totaling $ 89 million.




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