Ukraine ranks sixth in the world in export of wheat

Following the results of 2016 the yield of wheat in Ukraine totaled 4.2 t/ha that is more by 9% than indices in the previous year, whereas the result takes only 25th place in the world. The best performance indices belong to the most European countries, China, Mexico and Egypt. New Zealand showed the largest wheat yield - 9.09 t/ha. At the same time, Ukraine is the sixth largest exporter of wheat in the world and ranks the 9th place in terms of production output. The share of wheat in production of agricultural products in our country is 13%.
Despite the considerable gap with the leading countries in yielding capacity, wheat production is growing in Ukraine. Over the last 5 years the yield of wheat in Ukraine increased by 30% highlighting intensive development of technologies as well as enhancement of prospects at the international market.
More detailed information about ways to improve growing of wheat will be discussed at the Winter Cereal Congress to be held on February ,28 in Ramada Encore Kyiv.