Ukraine increases its export of peas

In 2016 Ukraine exported 359 thousand tons of peas to the amount of USD 106.5 million that is 88% more than the volumes of 2015 constituting 191 thousand tons to the amount of USD 54 million. The primary importers of the Ukrainian peas were India – 41% of all supplies, Pakistan – 16%, Bangladesh – 8% and Turkey – 5%.
Volumes of the pea world market are increasing annually, the main consumers are Asian countries: India, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh which purchase every year more than 65% of the total world volume. Growth of trade enables Ukrainian farmers to boost exports, since at present a share of the Ukrainian peas on the world market is less than 1%. In particular, this year the areas under peas in Ukraine have been increased from 239 thousand ha of 2016 to 372 thousand ha as of April 18, 2017.