The number of agricultural machinery in Ukraine decreased in 2010

As reported in the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) press release, according to Derzhstat data the number of tractors in the agricultural enterprises decreased by 2.2%, and harvesters - by 3,4% in 2010. Despite of the significant depreciation of machinery, the rate of renewal of tractors in use was only 5,4% in 2010, and harvesters - 6,1%.
Although the nomenclature of agricultural equipment includes dozens of positions, about 25% of agricultural machinery import in 2010 were harvesters and wheeled tractors with capacity exceeding 90 kW. "There were imported powerful units capable of processing large areas in the limited time", - the UCAB expert on agricultural markets Taras Vysotsky said.
At first glance it seems logical that most of this powerful machinery was bought by large agricultural holdings. But we see a different picture, in spite of the fact that farmers processed only 11,8% of arable land in 2010, they purchased 23.3% of tractors with capacity above 90 kW and 28,1% of harvesters from all sales of the previous year. This indicates that the individual owners have more rational approach to effective use of resources, partly because of having more direct control over all production processes in-house.