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21 September 2024



Profitability of growing early strawberries in greenhouses is more than 300%

Ukraine imports about 500 tons of strawberries annually in the period from April to May . At the same time production of domestic products in greenhouses in the last three years has increased about 4 times and now is about 200 tons. Experts Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) predict an increase of production in the future.

Season of early strawberries in Ukraine begins earlier with every year. If even 4-5 years ago the first native strawberries considered early if appeared on May 18-22, today the first domestic production can be seen on the shelves already on 24-27 April.

According to expert Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) Igor Strelyuk in the next 2-3 years the production of strawberries in greenhouses will increase by 3-4 times. "Today, Ukrainian farmers see the economic efficiency of this direction of agricultural production. The cost of grapes grown in greenhouses is 12-14 USD / kg while the realizable price starts from 50-60 USD / kg. Also, thanks to new technologies of growing strawberries in greenhouses it is possible to reach yield to 30-50 tons per hectare ", - informed the expert.

The general area under the strawberries that are grown in greenhouses is about 20 hectares. Among them about 13 hectares owned by professional producers and about 7 hectares - the private sector.

"The guarantee of supply, product quality, productivity, prolongation of the season, increasing the marketability of products - are the main benefits of growing strawberries in greenhouses", - said Igor Strelyuk.

More information about the efficiency and prospects of growing strawberries and other berries, fruits and vegetables will be available on May 16 at the Business Forum "Prospects of the development of horticultural business" in Lviv.


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