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06 February 2025



The theme of cow nutrition and fodder conservation was discussed on AgriSchool

On 14 and 15 February the first module of UCAB AgriSchool «Сow nutrition and fodder conservation» in 2018 was held in Dnipro town.  During the two-day workshop almost 30 participants discussed cow nutrition according to technological groups, the main aspects of fodder conservation and the methods of increase in milk yields.

The second day of practical training took place on the basis of dairy–production complex «Ekaterinoslavsky» in the Dnipro region. Specialists of the farm conducted a professional tour of the farm, showed the conditions of keeping cows and the process of milking.

Volodymyr Mirnenko, technology support expert at Pottinger Ukraine, told about the technological aspects of silage harvesting, haylage and the importance of quality coarse fodder. Rational nutrition of cows is a major factor affecting its milk yield. To prepare quality haylage containing 20% protein, you need to adhere  the correct harvesting technology and choose the right timing for mowing. In bean grasses, lucerne - leaves contain more protein than stems, so in the process of harvesting it is important to concentrate as much as possible on harvesting of the leaves. The expert noted the benefits of feeding the cow with coarse fodder: «Comparing the cost of the components necessary for a full-value feeding of the cow, their production from coarse fodder will cost 2-3 times cheaper than from concentrated ones. In addition to financial advantages, coarse fodder is more closely to the needs of the digestive system of cows, maintain their health and prolong the period of animal productivity».

Independent expert Vyacheslav Gumen spoke about feeding of dairy cows taking into account the physiological state and the phase of lactation. According to him, in the first phase of lactation it is necessary to use feed and rations with a high concentration of exchange energy in a unit of dry matter in order to satisfy the overall need of the cow organism in exchange energy for the milk synthesis. «In the second period of lactation, the milk needs to be obtained from high-quality bulky feeds. In the third period of lactation, cows should continue to restore body weight loss - in the diet should prevail silage, haylage and hay»,- said specialist.

Semenko Vitaliy, expert on feeding cattle of the company Cargill, described the topic of the transit period and the main sources of protein in the diet. According to the expert, the correct feeding of the cow during the transition period increases the profitability of milk production and avoids many health problems that are associated with changes in the hormonal system and metabolism. It is important to know the biochemistry in feeding and working the rumen in order to adjust the ration of the animal and provide it with all the necessary substances. The main sources of protein, which affects the amount of milk, certainly remain silage and haylage.

Technologists of dairy–production complex «Ekaterinoslavsky» demonstrated the main aspects of the complex's work, methods of increasing milk yields and shared the experience of animal care. The complex is unique in that more than 5 thous. of schwyz breed cows are concentrated on one territory, 1,5 thous. of which are dairy herd.

The complex uses 2 × 20 parallel-type milking equipment (the equipment of the Swedish company DeLaval). Milking of cows are carried out three times per day at intervals of 8:00. Cows before the «start» are milked once a day. For one day they sell about 50 tons of milk.

The first line of the complex is formed by milk block and corpus for cows. Thermal sensors and curtains are installed in the barns for reacting to changes in temperature. On the territory of the complex there are playgrounds for animals. The second line is intended for young cattle. The maintenance is carried out in small groups.

Ear tags with an electronic chip are used for providing the automated herd management system, that allows on-line monitoring and accounting of milk yields and controlling the physiological condition of each cow.

Alexander Krasyuk, specialist in working with suppliers, Bel Shostka Ukraine, commented on the main advantages of carrying out such events: «Apart from receiving useful skills from lectures and practical tasks, the important point is the possibility of communicating among farmers in an informal setting for the exchange of experience. The direct interaction of farms representatives brings the best results in the direction of overcoming their problems».

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