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06 September 2024


In 2009/10 marketing year grain yield can be 42.9mln tons - VR Agrarian Committee

In 2009/10 marketing year, gross grain production in Ukraine could be expected at 42.9 million tons that with taking into consideration carry over stocks (7.5 million tons) will enable to fully satisfy the domestic market needs (27 million tons).



Malaysian palm oil futures slightly up

Malaysian palm oil futures ended 0.5 percent higher on Tuesday, easing from more than two-week highs hit earlier on profit-taking, although a crude oil rally and recovering exports kept sentiment up. Prices of palm oil had been on the decline in the last two weeks but regained momentum after rumours of strong exports surfaced on Friday.



ED&F Man becomes 100% owner of Ukrainian Sugar Company

The UK-based ED&F Man has become the 100% owner of Ukrainian Sugar Company possessing Zaselsky sugar mill.



Oil World cuts global sunflower seed crop forecast

The global 2009-10 sunflower seed crop is likely to fall 2.6 million tonnes on the year to 31.7 million tonnes and smaller supplies are likely to raise prices in coming weeks, Hamburg-based oilseeds analysts Oil World forecast on Tuesday. The forecast is 0.6 million tonnes below Oil World's previous estimate three weeks ago.



Ukraine still taking part in talks on creation of Black Sea regional grain pool - Ukrainian agricult

A statement made by President of the Russian Grain Union Arkadiy Zlochevsky about Ukraine's abandoning talks on the creation of a pool of grain exporting countries in the Black Sea region is untrue, according to Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Yuriy Melnyk.



Port of Illichivsk transfers 12mn tons of cargoes

In January - September 2009, Sea Commercial Port of Illichivsk transferred 12.3mn tons of cargoes



Ukraine's grain crop, exports seen higher

UkrAgroConsult agriculture consultancy on Tuesday raised its 2009 grain crop forecast for Ukraine to 42.7 million tonnes from a previous estimate of 41.7 million due to a higher maize harvest. It said the increase will allow Ukraine to export 19.0 million tonnes of grain, including 8.35 million of wheat, in the 2009/10 season against a previous export forecast of 17.7 million, including 7.75 million of wheat.



Food prices to stay high, volatile: FAO

Food commodities prices are likely to stay high and volatile in the medium term, while a repeat of the 2007-2008 price spikes is seen as a realistic possibility, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation said on Monday. Between 2006 and 2008, international prices for basic food commodities shot up by 60 percent while grain prices doubled.



Ukraine, Pakistan sign agreement on trade, economic cooperation

Ukrainian Economy Minister Bohdan Danylyshyn and Pakistani Ambassador to Ukraine Ali Khan have signed an inter-governmental agreement on trade and economic cooperation, the Economy Ministry's press service has reported.



France cuts wheat crop estimate

France's farm ministry slashed on Monday its estimate for the 2009 soft wheat crop by one million tonnes to 36.30 million tonnes, as it cut its projection of the area sown, an unusual move for this time of year. The Ministry cut the area sown for wheat by a hefty 126,000 hectares on the previous month, but the ministry did not give any explanation for this.

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