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07 September 2024


Ministry of Economy suggests change of law on customs tariffs

The Ministry of Economy has prepared alterations to the law on customs tariffs, under which the country may switch to the GS-07 version of classificator of commodities which is used by most EU and CIS countries.



Meat output down 0.7% in ten months

The production of all kinds of meat (in live weight) fell by 0.7% in Ukraine in the first ten months of 2009 year-over-year, to 2.121 million tons, the State Statistics Committee has reported.



As of Sept, cigarettes output grew by 3.4%, up to 10.3 milliard

Within Sept 2009 cigarettes output has risen to 10.3 milliard, up 3.4% against Aug 2009, reported Agrarika Ltd referring to Sept 2009 companies outputs preliminary data.



In Sept fruit/vegetable juices output improved by 7.6%, up to 62,600 MT

As reported Agrarika Ltd referring to Sept 2009 companies outputs preliminary data, within Sept 2009 fruit/vegetable juices output has grown to 62,600 MT, up 7.6% against Aug 2009.



E.U. wheat tariff gone, market challenges remain

The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) on Nov. 5 welcomed the removal of a European Union (E.U.) durum wheat tariff.



E.U. authorizes three types of GM corn for import

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) announced on Nov. 5 that the European Union (E.U.) authorized three types of genetically modified corn for food, feed, import and processing.



Sugar plants produce 726,000 tons of sugar

Ukrainian sugar plants have produced 726,000 tons of sugar of the 2009 sugar beet harvest as of October 29, 2009, according to the UkrTsukor (UkrSugar) National Association of Sugar Producers.



Over 11 million tons of grain crops sold on stock market

A total of 11.462 million tons of grain crops of the 2009 harvest has been sold on the Ukrainian stock market as of October 30, 2009, the Ukrainian Agriculture Ministry has reported. A total of 4.487 million tons was sold on the spot market, and 6.974 million tons was sold on the forward market.



Ukrainian, Belarusian leaders vow to strengthen ties

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko on Thursday met here with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko, pledging to further strengthen bilateral strategic partnership, according to Xinhua.



Ukraine’s Inflation Rate, Highest in Europe, Slowed in October

Ukraine’s inflation rate, Europe’s highest, slowed in October for a third month as the country’s recession blunted price pressures, which may allow the central bank to resume reducing interest rates.

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