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09 September 2024


Oct milk import down 95.5%, to 3 MT

As reported Agrarica Ltd referring to this year Oct foods export-import preliminary data, this year Oct milk import has fallen to 3 MT, down 64 MT (- 95.5%) against this year Sept.



Ukrainian Agroton intends to place its shares at Warsaw stock exchange

Agricultural company Agroton took a decision to place its stock at the Warsaw Stock Exchange in May 2010, Agroton Financial Director Andriy Anpilov has said.



Oct cheese import up 3.2%, to 838 MT

This year Oct cheese import has risen to 838 MT, up 26 MT (+ 3.2%) against this year Sept, reported Agrarica Ltd referring to this year Oct foods export-import preliminary data.



As of Oct, whey powder import grew by 8.6%, up to 241 MT

Oct 2009 whey powder import has improved to 241 MT, up 19 MT (+ 8.6%) against Sept 2009, reported Agrarica Ltd referring to Oct 2009 foods export-import preliminary data.



In Oct fermented milk products export grew by 5%, up to 281 MT

As reported Agrarica Ltd referring to Oct 2009 foods export-import preliminary data, Oct 2009 fermented milk products export has risen to 281 MT, up 13 MT (+ 5%) against Sept 2009.



Russia expects trade with Egypt to reach $4 billion in 2009

Russia expects trade with Egypt to total $4 billion this year, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Sunday after talks with his Egyptian counterpart Ahmed Aboul Gheit.



EU farmers' income falls by 12 percent

Income for farmers in the European Union has fallen by 12.2 percent this year, largely in line with a drop in food prices. The EU said Friday that income fell most in Hungary, by 35.6 percent where the Hungarian forint has slid in value against neighbouring nations followed by Italy with 25.3 percent. Among the major EU nations, income fell by 19.8 percent in France and by 21 percent in Germany, but rose 14.3 percent in Britain.



Condition of winter grain crops on 88.6% of area good and satisfactory

Winter grain crops in Ukraine are in a good condition on 44.9% of the sowing area, or 3.8 million hectares, and in a satisfactory condition on 43.7% of the area, or 3.7 million hectares, the Ukrainian Agriculture Ministry's press service has reported.



Ukraine External Debt Grew by 3.8%

According to the NBU, the total external debt grew 3.8%, q/q to USD 104.4bn in 3Q09. In particular, the external public debt increased by 24.2% to USD 24.1bn. Corporate external debt rose by 1.2% to USD 41.5bn, while the external debt of commercial banks was reduced by 5.1% to USD 33.6 in 3Q09.



European Commission urged to address grain price volatility

THE European Commission is to be asked to intervene in cereal markets.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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