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10 September 2024


Only producers to be entitled to import and export cognac spirits

A new draft law on cognac spirits has been submitted for consideration of the Verkhovnaya Rada.



Russian GDP Will Probably Grow 6.7% This Quarter, RenCap Says

Russia’s economy will probably expand an annual 6.7 percent in the first quarter, Renaissance Capital said.



Russia, Ukraine to continue work on joint projects in 2010 - Putin

Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin hopes Russia and Ukraine will continue their work on major joint projects in the coming year.



Ukraine's Q3 2009 GDP Confirmed, Q/Q Growth Possible

Ukraine's State Statistics Committee has published detailed results for third-quarter GDP, thereby confirming the provisional estimate of a real GDP decline equal to 15.9% year-on-year (y/y).



Wheat Advances to One-Month High on Weaker Dollar, Rising Oil

Wheat futures rose to the highest in more than a month, and corn and soybeans gained, as a weaker dollar improved the investment appeal of commodities and higher crude oil prices boosted demand for crops used to make biofuels.



Ukraine: Crimea increased winter crops sowing areas by 2.1%

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) increased the sowing areas of grains and green feed for the harvest-2010 by 2.1% compared to the index of 2008 or 13.4 thsd ha, and reached the level of 646.9 thsd ha, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.



December inflation posts 0.9 percent

Ukraine's inflation in December 2009 totaled 0.9%, Minister of Economy Bohdan Danylyshyn has told the press, UKRINFORM correspondent has reported.



Cargo transshipment at SCPI of Ukraine fell 13,8% - to 16.3 million tons last year

Cargo transshipment at the state-run Illichevsk Commercial Seaport "(SCPI, Odessa region, Ukraine) decreased over 12 months, 2009 by 13,8% compared with 2008 - to 16.286 million tones. According to port authorities, cargo handling for December amounted to 1 million 198 thousand tons, while in comparison with the previous year, turnover of SCPI for December of this year decreased by 7.8%, including the handling of general cargo that was down 23,1%; handling of tanker cargo up 5,2%, as well as bulked cargo at 7,5%.



New Law about GMO Labeling in Ukraine

On 17 December 2009, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted amendments to the laws "On safety and quality of food products" and "On the protection of consumers' rights". It has been decided that all food products put in circulation in Ukraine must be labelled in the Ukrainian language as to the information whether they contain or do not contain genetically modified organisms (“GMO” or “without GMO” accordingly).



UKRAINE 2010: The only way is up

The crisis year was horrible for Ukraine, which was harder hit than nearly any other country in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The combination of collapsing steel prices, devaluation of the national currency, bank sector woes, political instability and, worst of all, mismanagement of public finances all contributed to the tumbling GDP.

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