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10 September 2024


Cash curbs and winterkill hit Ukraine grain hopes

Ukraine's grain output will fall this year despite a rise in plantings as rates of winterkill near-double and tight finances dent farm spending on sprays, UkrAgroConsult has said.



Government ordered to supply 130 KMT of fuel to peasants

The Cabinet of Ministers will provide agricultural producers with fuel for the spring field works in 2010. The corresponding government resolution has been signed by Ukrainian Premier Yulia Tymoshenko.



On January 12, Russia purchased 73 thsd tonnes of grains to the public intervention fund

On January 12, 2010, the National commodity exchange (Russia) provided the regular exchange auction within the bounds of the public purchasing interventions on the market of grains. The government purchased 72.9 thsd tonnes of grains at the general sum of 343.45 mln RUR, declared the media department of CJSC National commodity exchange.



Soybean industry publishes report on impact of railroads

The United Soybean Board (USB) announced on Jan. 11 that the Soy Transportation Coalition (STC), with funding from the soybean checkoff, recently published "Railroad Movement of Soybeans and Soy Products," a comprehensive report that sheds light on the role railroads play in the soybean industry.



Russian 2009 grain crop estimate at 97.04 million tonnes

Russia's Federal State Statistics Service (FSSS) has issued a preliminary estimate of the 2009 grain crop at 97.04 million tonnes, 10 percent down from 108.18 in 2008, and above the latest government forecast of 93-95 million. Wheat output declined by just 3 percent from last year's record volume to 61.7 million tonnes, which is the third largest outcome in Russia's history.



Czech beer industry to face problems in 2010

Czech beer will become more expensive, due to a recent increase of consumption tax in the country. In an attempt to ensure the flow of funds into the state budget, Czech Ministry of Finance has proposed to raise the country’s consumption tax, which has already led to an increase in beer prices by 30%. The Czech Parliament has already approved the government’s proposal and starting from January 1 the bill came into force.



China to sell stockpiled grain, oils if needed to stabilize prices

China's National Development and Reform Commission announced on Sunday that grain and oils would be sold from local reserves if necessary in a bid to curb sharp price rise after heavy snowfalls in some areas.



Ukrros intends to invest USD 7.5mln into plants' modernization

The largest sugar producer in Ukraine, the company Sugar Union Ukrros intends to invest USD 7.5 million or UAH 60 million in 2010 into modernization of seven plants. In particular, the company plans to transfer the plants to using coal as the energy carrier instead of gas.



Crimea increased winter crops sowing areas by 2.1%

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea increased the sowing areas of grains and green feed for the harvest-2010 by 2.1% compared to the index of 2008 or 13.4 thsd ha, and reached the level of 646.9 thsd ha, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.



Crisis does not prevent sea and river sectors from increasing profits 2.3fold

In 2009, sea and river transport enterprises got net profits at UAH 2.373 billion (1 USD - 7.985 UAH), 2.3 fold up against 2008, the Transport and Communications Ministry informed.

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