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10 September 2024


U.S. wheat stocks the largest since 2000

The National Agricultural Statistics Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Jan. 12 estimated wheat stocks held in all positions in the United States on Dec. 1, 2009, at 1.8 billion bushels, up 24% from 1.4 billion bushels in 2008. It was the largest Dec. 1 wheat inventory since 1.81billion bushels in 2000.



Australia. Heatwave cuts Victoria's wheat crop yield

South-west Victorian farmers say the unusual spell of hot weather at the start of November has cut their wheat harvests.



Ukraine will not restrict imports from EU

The European Union and other WTO members forced Ukraine to abandon the idea of tightening the requirements for meat imports.



Nibulon begins construction on river grain terminal

Nibulon announced on Jan. 14 the start of construction on a new transshipment terminal for grains and oilseeds



Winter crops satisfactory

The latest weather is generally satisfactory for winter crops, says Tetiana Adamenko, head of the agro-meteorology department at the Ukrainian Weather Center.



Freight throughput of Ukraine’s seaports in 2009 fell 17% - to 109.72 million tones

Commercial seaports (CSP) in Ukraine faced in 2009 an overall 17% decline in cargo transshipment in year-over-year figures, to 109.72 million tones. Odessa seaport showed a 19% drop - to 28 million tons, Iliychevsk port - by 13,8%, to 16.287 million tons, South port - by17,8% (17.838 million tons), Mariupol port - by 16,1%, (13.34 million tons), the State Administration of Maritime and River Transport said.



Large-scale merger on Ukrainian oilseed market

The company Kernel announced that on January 13, 2010, the company completed the call agreement, which provided to the company the right to purchase the controlling block of shares of the group of companies Allseeds, declared the media-department of the Group of Companies Kernel.



Chance for EU to Grow Share of Chinese Pork Imports

For most of 2009, Chinese pork importers were faced with challenges including the economic slow-down, increased domestic production and weaker demand as a result of H1N1, writes Breiffini Kennedy, Asia Manager, Bord Bia.



USDA projects record corn, soybean crop

In its World Agricultural Supply and Demand Report issued Jan. 12, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) projected U.S. corn (maize) production at a record 13.2 billion bushels. This is up from 12.9 billion bushels projected in USDA’s December forecast and 1% above the previous record of 13 billion bushels set in 2007.



Palm oil weakness 'may prove short lived'

The weakness in palm oil prices, which have slid 8% in the past week, may prove short-lived thanks to the global squeeze on vegetable oil supplies, influential analysis group Oil World has said.

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