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10 September 2024


Ukraine has been placed into international comparison of Cash Crop producers within agri benchmark project

Ukrainian Agribusiness Club is participating in an international network of agricultural economists, called agri benchmark Cash Crop. The key idea of this project is benchmarking of arable farming systems worldwide. The annually published Cash Crop Report has just been released and reflects the whole scope of the agri benchmark outcome.



Dec spirit output down 2%, to 2.956 mn dl

As reported Agrarika Ltd referring to Dec 2009 companies outputs preliminary data, within Dec 2009 spirit output has declined to 2.956 mn dl, down 2% against Nov 2009.



Ukraine: Crimea produced 95 thsd tonnes of rice

In 2009, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) produced 94.9 thsd tonnes of rice, an increase of 55.1% compared to 2008, declared the Main statistics department of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.



In 2009, Ukraine harvested 46 mln tonnes of grains, down 13.7%

In 2009, all varieties of agricultural economies in Ukraine produced 46 mln tonnes of grains in clean weight, including 22.3 mln tonnes of milling grains (48%), 23.7 mln tonnes of feed grains (52%).



Wheat and Corn Fall on Forecast for Larger Harvests Worldwide

Wheat and corn fell in Chicago, heading for a second weekly drop, after the International Grains Council lifted its estimate for global grain production and stockpiles.



IGC raises world wheat carryover

Larger wheat production, less consumption and growing stocks were forecast by the International Grains Council (IGC) in its Jan. 21 Grain Market Report. World wheat ending stocks in 2010 were forecast at 197 million tonnes by the IGC, up 6 million tonnes from the Nov. 26 report and up 19% from 165 million in 2009.



Georgian wine export to Ukraine dropped 32% in 2009 as compared to 2008

2009 export of Georgian wine to Kazakhstan, Belarus, Latvia, Azerbaijan, China and several other countries grew over 2008.



UkrSpyrt exports half less than planned

The UkrSpyrt state concern of alcohol industry exported last year 4.86 million decaliters of spirit, the press service of the concern reported.



EBRD downgrades forecast for Ukraine GDP contraction in 2009 to 14.5%

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has downgraded the forecast for the fall of Ukraine's GDP in 2009 from 14% to 14.5%, the bank said in a statement on Friday.



Ukraine introduces special tariffs for cargo transit from Slovakia to Romania

The State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine (Ukrzaliznytsia) has introduced special transit conditions for cargo transit at the section of the Slovakian border Chop-Diakove-Halmeu (Romania).

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