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10 September 2024


EBRD not planning to reduce crediting of Ukraine

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (EBRD) strategy does not foresee a reduction in the number of loans for Ukraine, the EBRD Director for Ukraine Andre Kuusvek has said.



Obolon cuts beer output

In 2009, one of Ukraine's largest breweries, Kyiv-based CJSC Obolon, reduced beer production by 14.8% to 96.6 million decaliters, the company's press-service has said.



Cargo turnover at Izmail port down 24% - to 5.2 million tons in 2009

Izmail Sea Commercial Port (Ukraine) reported year-over-year 24.4 percent drop in freight turnover, at 5.204 million tons, "RBK-Ukraine" reports citing Anatoly Koshko, chief engineer of the enterprise.



As of Dec, maize export rose by 7%, up to 1.072 mn MT

Dec 2009 maize export has grown to 1.072 mn MT, up 71,000 MT (+ 7%) against Nov 2009/up 36.3% as of Dec 2008, reported Agrarica Ltd referring to Dec 2009 foods export-import preliminary data. As to report, since this MY beginning (Jul/09-Dec/09) companies have exported in total 2.893 mn MT maize.



As of Dec, wheat export hoisted by 11%, up to 1,057.070 MT

Dec 2009 wheat export has lifted to 1.057,070 MT, up 107,660 MT (+ 11%) against Nov 2009/up 14,000 MT (+ 1.3%) as of Dec 2008, reported Agrarica Ltd referring to Dec 2009 foods



Intervention fund of Russia purchased over 1.3 mln tonnes of 3-grade wheat

On January 26, 2010, the National commodity exchange (Russia) provided the regular exchange auction within the bounds of the public purchasing interventions on the market of grains. The government purchased 36.45 thsd tonnes of grains at the general sum of 130.58 mln RUR, declared the media department of CJSC National commodity exchange.



Dec grains export up 9%, to 2.519 mn MT

Dec 2009 grains export has risen to 2.519 mn MT, up 203,000 MT (+ 9%) against Nov, reported Agrarica Ltd referring to Dec 2009 foods export-import preliminary data.



Ukraine produces 95,000 tonnes of rice

Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA) reported on Jan. 25 that the country produced 94,900 tonnes of rice in 2009, an increase of 55.1% compared to 2008.



Nibulon to lease 30 trucks for grain transport

Nibulon announced on Jan. 20 that it would expand the company's truck fleet by 30 heavy trucks.



Ukraine exports 6,900mln tons of wheat

Ukraine has exported 6,900 million tons of wheat since the beginning of 2009/2010 MY, up 4% compared with the like period in 2008/2009 MY.

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