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10 September 2024


Ukraine. Realization of grain crops down

Grain crops realization in Ukraine as of March 1, 2010, made up 1.52 million tons, 56% less against previous year indexes over the same period, the State Statistics Committee informed.



Ukraine rapeseed exports may stumble over EU laws

Ukraine's rapeseed exports are set to decline for a second successive year of decline, and may fall "significantly" more if biofuels regulations in Europe prove as damaging as some critics fear.



Ukraine. Nibulon to begin construction on new river terminal

Nibulon announced on March 12 that construction has started on a new river terminal for grains and oilseeds in the Gradyz’k village of Globynskyy district of Poltava region.



Ukraine. Condition of crops worsening

As of March 11, almost 0.77 million hectares sown to winter crops were staying under ice crust, which is 9.1% of the acreage, compared to 7.2% a week before, a press release of the agricultural policy ministry says.



Soil biodiversity: the invisible hero

Soils are home to over one quarter of all living species, yet Europe has no binding legislation to protect this precious resource. We depend on soil for food, fibres, construction materials, clean water, clean air, climate regulation, and antibiotics such as penicillin and streptomycin are derived from the soil.



China. Lawmaker Promotes Ethanol Production from Straws

A Chinese lawmaker said on Saturday more efforts should be made to promote the production of straw-turned ethanol amid the nation's drive to develop a low-carbon economy.



Ukraine to set up 17 GMO labs

The State Committee on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy (DerzhSpozhyvStandard) announced plans to establish 17 laboratories on testing genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food products in 2010, DerzhSpozhyvStandard chief Liudmyla Losiuk has told the press Monday.



More corn ethanol may boost greenhouse gases

In the March issue of BioScience, researchers present a sophisticated new analysis of the effects of boosting use of maize-derived ethanol on greenhouse gas emissions. The study, conducted by Thomas W. Hertel of Purdue University and five co-authors, focuses on how mandated increases in production of the biofuel in the United States will trigger land-use changes domestically and elsewhere.



Romania. GDP lower by 7.1%t in 2009 compared to 2008

Romania's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), estimated for 2009 was 7.1 percent lower in real terms as against the GDP in 2008, the National Statistics Institute (INS) informs in a release remitted AGERPRES on Wednesday.



Russia. Vladivostok expects over 30.000 tons of exported grain in Q1, 2010

Commercial Sea Port of Vladivostok (CPV) has projected more than 30.000 tons of export grain to be transshipped in the first quarter this year from its grain terminal, the Port Authority statement said. In January-February CPV has handled 30.400 tons of grain. The volume includes 9.970 tons of coastal trade and 20.440 tons of exports.

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