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08 September 2024


American corn sowings approach record pace

US growers planted an area nearly twice of size of Belgium with corn last week, making their sowing campaign the second fastest since records began.



In the first quarter of 2010, Kazakhstan increased grain exports by 32%

To date, Kazakhstan stocks 6.5 mln tonnes of grains, which will be exported in the nearest future, declared Akhylbek Kurishbaev, the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on April 20.



Ukraine: in 2009, level of profitability of agricultural enterprises of the Crimea totaled 4%

In 2009, agricultural enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) received profit on sales of agricultural products and services at the sum of 65.8 mln UAH (8.33 mln USD), with the level of profitability of 4%, a decrease of 8.2% compared to the indices of the previous year, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.



GMOs in wheat inevitable, CWB says

Increased testing for genetically modified (GMO) materials in world wheat supplies will inevitably find them, due to contamination from other crops in the grain-handling system, the head of the Canadian Wheat Board said on Monday.



Ukrainian Census Reveals More Pigs, Poultry

A census on 1 April has revealed more pigs and poultry but fewer cattle than a year previously.



Egypt expects to sign free trade agreement with Mercosur next July

Egypt expects to complete free trade negotiations with the four Mercosur countries -- Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay -- in July, Egypt's trade minister revealed this week in Cairo.



Belarus sowed early spring grains throughout over 50% of sowing areas

As of April 17, 2010, agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Belarus sowed spring crops throughout 615.2 thsd ha, or 25.7% of the planned areas, declared the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Belarus.



Danone affirms outlook as sales rise

Yogurt maker Danone posted an 8.3% rise in first-quarter sales to ˆ3.98bn thanks to strong demand for its dairy and baby-food products.



Russia to harvest 97 mln tonnes of grain again this year

Russia's grain harvest this year will weigh in at around 97 mln tonnes, Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik said at a session of the Federation Council's agrarian and food policy and fishing-industry committee in Moscow on Tuesday.



All wheat acreage down in US, but spring wheat up

The highly anticipated March 31 Planting Intentions Report shows that all wheat acreage in the United States is expected to drop by 9 percent, but not spring wheat. «The USDA has all wheat acreage down 9 percent to 53.8 million acres,» noted Erica Olson, marketing specialist for the North Dakota Wheat Commission. «Looking specifically at spring wheat, including hard red and white wheat, the acreage is estimated at 13.9 million acres, which is actually up five percent on the year.»

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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