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05 September 2024


Russia sowed spring crops throughout 517 thsd ha

To date, agrarians of the Southern, North Caucasian and Far Eastern Federal Districts of the Russian Federation sowed spring crops throughout the areas of 517 thsd ha, including Krasnodar Krai – 294 thsd ha, Stavropol Krai – 157 thsd ha, declared the press-cutting service of the Ministry of Agriculture on April 6.



Ukraine: the hunt for corporate credit

How does a little-known Ukrainian company with big ambitions raise money when the country is still strugging with the after-effects of the global financial crisis?



Ukraine: the court partially sustained the claim of Nibulon for distribution of the grain export quotas

The Nikolayev district administrative court partially sustained the claim of one of the largest Ukrainian producers and exporter of agricultural commodities, Agricultural Limited Liability Company Nibulon Ltd., sued against the two Ukrainian Ministries concerning legitimacy of grains export quotas distribution on January 11, 2011, according to the decision of the court dd. March 30, 2011.



Russia: as of April 1, the Southern and North Caucasian Districts sowed spring crops throughout over 300 thsd ha

In 2011, Russia plans to realize the spring sowing campaign throughout the areas of 50 mln ha, including grains – nearly 30 mln ha, in order to reach grain production volumes at the level of 85 mln tonnes, declared Elena Skrynnik, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, on April 1.



Ukraine: draft law on imposition of the export duties for grains

On March 31, the government draft law #8321 on making of amendments to the Tax Codex of Ukraine and adoption of tariffs of the export duties for several varieties of grains was registered in the Verkhovna Rada.



Ukraine: decree on prolongation of grain export quotas is not published yet

The decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on prolongation of the regime of grain export quotas till June 30, which was accepted on March 30 according to announcement of Nikholay Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, still was not published in the official issues, which juridically means that the quotas stopped working on April 1, 2011.



Ukraine to distribute quotas for maize exports at the auction

Distribution of the export quotas for exports of 2 mln tonnes of maize from Ukraine in the second quarter of 2011 will take place at the auction, declared Nikholay Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, on March 31.



Russia: as of March 30, the intervention fund sold 20.5 thsd tonnes of grains only

On March 30, 2011, the National Commodity Exchange provided regular exchange trades of grains from the state intervention reserve. The Government sold 20.486 thsd tonnes of grains at the general sum of 123.989 mln RUR (4.34 mln USD).



Ukraine: Cabinet of Ministers plans to prolong grain export quotas

During the session on March 30, 2011, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to take decision on prolongation of the export quotas for grains till June 30, declared Nikholay Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.



Ukraine: draft law #8163 to support commercial interests of grain traders – Ministry of Agrarian Policy

To date the draft law #8163 “On making of amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On grains and the market of grains in Ukraine" (concerning grain trading via foreign economic contracts)" is worked out by the officials of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy with assistance of grain producers, public and professional organizations for taking into account interests of all market participants, informed the letter of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine dd. March 23 in reply to the appeal of Ukrainian Grain Association.

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