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04 September 2024


Ukraine: Ministry of Agrarian Policy considers inappropriate to cancel export duties for sunflower

Nikolay Bezugly, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, considers that it is premature to cancel the export duties for sunflower seeds in the country, announced he on May 19.



Russia sowed spring grains throughout 16.4 mln ha

As of May 18, 2011, agrarians of the Russian Federation sowed spring agricultural crops throughout the areas of 27.4 mln ha (54.4% of the planned areas), an increase of 3 mln ha compared to the last year, declared the press-cutting service of the Ministry of Agriculture. Spring grains sowings occupied the areas of 16.4 mln ha (54.2% of the plan), up 2 mln ha compared to 2010 results.



Ukraine plans to produce nearly 300 thsd tonnes of buckwheat

According to data from the regions, in Ukraine the projected production of buckwheat in 2011 in all categories of agricultural enterprises is expected to total nearly 300 thsd tonnes, an increase of 166 thsd tonnes compared to the harvest volumes in 2010. Buckwheat sowing areas in all categories of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine totals 313 thsd ha, up 98 thsd ha or 45% compared to the last year, informed the Government of Ukraine.



Buhler AG becomes the general sponsor of the X International Conference Grain Forum - 2011

The Swiss company Buhler AG presented as the general sponsor of the X International ConferenceGrain Forum - 2011 (Yalta, Ukraine).



Grain stocks in Ukraine exceed the last year volumes, exports should be immediately opened - S.Stoyanov

According to the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, as of May 1, 2011, grain stocks at processing and agricultural enterprises total 8.3 mln tonnes, an increase of almost 8% or 0.6 mln tonnes compared to the same date of 2010, when the export trading was realized in free mode.



Ukraine increased output of agricultural products by 4%

In January-April period of 2011, the general production of agricultural commodities in Ukraine increased by 4% compared to the same period of 2010, including agricultural enterprises – up 9.3%, and households of the population – down 0.6%, declared the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine on May 16, 2011.



Alex Lissitsa to leave the Board of Directors of Agroton

Alex Lissitsa announced his leaving the Board of Directors of the Agroton company (Lugansk), the largest agricultural producer in Eastern Ukraine. Alex Lissitsa has occupied the post of non-executive director of Agroton since November 2009.



Ukraine decreased grain share in the general commodity exports to the level of 3.1%

In the first quarter of 2011, commodity exports from Ukraine totaled 15.38 bln USD, imports – 18.516 bln USD, which formed the growth of export indices by 49.2%, and imports – up 58.5% compared to the same period of 2010, respectively, according to data of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.



Government of Kazakhstan approved the list of commodities sold through the stock exchange

On April 6, 2011, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the decree #375 "On approving the list of exchange commodities and the minimum size of the parties that are sold through commodity exchanges”. The corresponding document was published on April 14 in the official press.



Ukrainian farmers may face shortage of funds prior to the harvest-2011 - S.Stoyanov

The harvesting campaign-2011 in Ukraine is expected to be considerably more generous compared to the last year, but also much more expensive on all indicators - both profitable and expenditure, stated Sergey Stoyanov, General Director of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation.

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