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04 September 2024


Russia: refusal of imposition of the export duties on grains - good signal to participants of the grain market

Wheat prices continues growing on the domestic Russian market, according to the report of the center SovEkon. The authorities inform that the possible imposition of grain export limitations is not the matter of the nearest future.



Veterinary Watchdog Admits Possibility Of Banning Vegetable Imports From European Union

The State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service admits possibility of introducing a ban on imports of vegetables from the European Union to Ukraine depending on the results of researches on presence of pathogenic strains of collibacillus.



Ukraine produced first 35 thsd tons of grains – N.Prysiazhnyuk

Ukraine produced the first 35 thsd tonnes of grains, announced Nikolay Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine, on June 20. According to him, southern oblasts of Ukraine started the harvesting works.



Ukraine can fully cover the needs of Turkey in sunflower oil on the eve of Ramadan

According to operators of the Turkish market, after Turkish traders exhausted the quotas on imports of sunflower seed and sunflower oil at reduced import duties (0% and 15%, respectively), they switched to purchasing of crude sunflower oil at the import rate of 36%.



Ukrainian grain prices are 30 USD/t cheaper compared to the competitors – P.Poroshenko

Due to the fact that last year Ukraine left the grain market, to date the price for Ukrainian grains is cheaper by 30 USD/t compared to the competitors, stated Petr Poroshenko, Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine on June 16.



Announcement “Ukraine’s Export Potential for Biotechnological Feed, Fiber, and Fuel Crops: Using Brazil and Argentina Experience” with Dr. Clive James, world’s most famous researcher of biotechnological crops

YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND the round table “Ukraine’s Export Potential for Biotechnological Feed, Fiber, and Fuel Crops: Using Brazil and Argentina Experience” with Clive James, Doctor of Agrarian Sciences, world-famous scientist, a guru in biotechnological crops research, as a guest speaker.



Weather Center Predicts Grain Harvest At 44 - 45 Million Tons In 2011

The Weather Center predicts grain harvest at 44-45 million tons in 2011, Tetiana Adamenko, head of the Agricultural Meteorology Department, told Ukrainian News.



Ukraine: farmers intend to continue the fight against imposition of grain export duties

Ukrainian agricultural producers intend to continue the fight against imposition of the custom duties for grain exports from the country, reported the Association of farmers and private landowners of Ukraine.



Ukraine may impose quotas for barley exports in the summer – experts

Ukraine will possibly impose limitations for grain exports due to the increase of the customs duties and to control prices on the domestic market, according to review of Bloomberg.



Russia: grain production may be lower compared to the plans

The National Union of Grain Producers forecasts that the general grain production in Russia may be lower compared to the planned volumes of 85 mln tonnes.

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