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15 January 2025

Lobbying news


15 thousand of farmers are against the destruction of an industry that feeds everyone in Ukraine

Ucab 15 thousand of farmers are against the destruction of an industry that feeds everyone in Ukraine

December, 17 at 11:00 AM more than 15 thousand representatives of relevant agricultural associations, farmers' organizations, villagers and city residents will gather outside the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (str. Grushevskogo, 5) demanding the preservation of the current provisions of the Tax Code dealing with the agriculture special tax regime.



Agricultural producers of Chernihiv region discussed the pressing issues with local authorities

Ucab Agricultural producers of Chernihiv region discussed the pressing issues with local authorities

On October 7 in Chernihiv the round table on cooperation of public authorities and business in agricultural sector of Chernihiv region, organized by Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, took place.



Transferring parts of the agricultural enterprises to the common tax system will reduce the harvest by a third

Transferring parts of the agricultural enterprises to the common tax system will reduce the harvest by a third

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine initiated a revision of taxation system in the field of agriculture. The last suggestion implies to transfer those agricultural enterprises which have over 20 mln UAH of annual revenue and more than 3 ths hectares of farmlands to the common system of taxation. According to the calculations done by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) adoption of this innovation in the long term perspective could lead to reduction of grain and legume crops harvest by 29.6% and put losses at more than 24 bln UAH.



Beef exports to the EU will be impossible without changes in legislation

Beef exports to the EU will be impossible without changes in legislation

To enter the EU market with agricultural agricultural products Ukraine should urgently amend legislation, having harmonized it with the European one. In particular, we are talking about adopting the bill “On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding animals identification and registration» No.4987-1 of 16 June2014. Currently, it is extremely important for the livestock industry development and for searching new markets. After all, trade problems with the Russian Federation resulted in significant casualties and significant damage for producers.



Abolition of technical inspection for agricultural machinery will facilitate the investment attractiveness of Ukrainian agricultural industry

Abolition of technical inspection for agricultural machinery will facilitate the investment attractiveness of Ukrainian agricultural industry

Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) greets the adoption of Law No. 2609a “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine (to ensure the safe operation by agricultural machinery)”. According to the UCAB experts, abolishment of technical inspection for agricultural machinery will relieve farmers from the additional financial duties and promote the development of agricultural production.



Producers of rapeseed and soybeans can lose markets

Producers of rapeseed and soybeans can lose markets

Agro-industrial associations which represent interests of agricultural producers and grain trading companies, emphase on the necessity to reject the draft law No. 3658 “On bidding of export duties on rapeseed” and No. 4693 “On bidding of export duties on soybeans, shredded or not shredded».



Aspects of agricultural industry development can and should be solved fast – specialized association

Aspects of agricultural industry development can and should be solved fast – specialized association

The largest professional association of agrarian sector urge the state authorities to promptly solve problematic issues related to functioning of the agro-industrial complex. In particular, we are talking about the necessity of signing adopted by the Verkhovna Rada Bill No.2436a that cancels the corruption levies from agricultural producers, adoption of Bill No.2049a that simplifies the procedure of registration of agricultural land leasing, abolition of the mandatory technical control of agricultural machinery and the development of land management projects.



Станом на 13 березня засіяно 306 тис. га земель під зерновими та зернобобовими культурами, в основному на півдні та сході України, що становить 11% від очікуваних посівних площ

20% of agricultural lands in Ukraine can stay not sown

As of March 13, 306 thousand hectares of land are sown by grains and legumes, mainly in Southern and Eastern Ukraine, which is 11% of the anticipated cultivated areas. Losses of most agricultural crops last year, and the lack of any funding caused by the difficult economic and political situation in Ukraine may lead to significant losses of grains and oilseeds harvest in 2014. Thus, by estimation of the President of Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) Alex Lissitsa, farmers will not be able to sow 20% of agricultural lands, that will lead to a loss of 11.1 million tons of the harvest or 25.1 billion revenue at current prices.



За даними Міжнародної фінансової корпорації, річні витрати сільгоспвиробників на  сертифікацію якості зерна і продуктів переробки становили 136 млн грн.

Certification of grain quality costs for farmers extra $ 1 billion UAH

According to the International Finance Corporation, annual expences of agricultural producers on certification of grain quality and food processing accounted for 136 mln UAH in 2011/12 marketing year. Now, because of increasing exports of grain and technical crops, these costs can amount to 160 mln UAH.



 technical control of machinery

The changes proposed by the Cabinet as to the technical control of machinery threaten a monopoly and corruption at the market of these services

Draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "Amendments to The implementation of the mandatory technical control of tractors, self-propelled chassis, self-propelled agricultural, road-building and melioration machinery, agricultural machinery, other mechanisms", published on the website of State Agricultural Inspection, is fraught with corruption and monopoly on the market and increasing rates for the technical control of the machines. This was emphasized by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" in letters directed to the state agencies.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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