Lobbying news
Emphyteusis as mortgage instrument
The UCAB Association in cooperation with Union of poultry companies, Ukrainian agro association, National Agriculture Council of Ukraine and Land Union of Ukraine stand for law act project # 4010 “On development of law regulation of land usage for agricultural purposes (emphyteusis)”, registered in Supreme Council of Ukraine on July 15, 2016.
The UCAB Association calls to abolish export custom’s tariffs for flax and false flax’s seeds
The Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club stands for abolishment of export tariffs for seeds of flax and false flax. Nowadays 10% export custom tariff is applicable in Ukraine for sunflower, flax and false flax’s seeds aiming to facilitate internal processing in the country to expand export of oils and other processing products. Nevertheless, such custom tariff has no any crux concerning flax’s seeds. International market operators don’t deal with flax’s oil. Thus, flax’s seeds trade value on global markets has reached M 868 USD, whereas global value of flax’s oil trade counted only at M 121 USD.
The UCAB Association requests to consider agribusiness’ proposals to the Tax Code changes
The Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” salutes common initiative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on issues of taxation legislation, Supreme Council of Ukraine and the Ministry of finance of Ukraine concerning urgency of tax law optimization, including aspects of agro business. Along with, the UCAB’s Tax Committee has issued drafted project of changes to tax legislation, which are designed to simplify co-work of agro business entities and authorities.
UCAB supports custom duty cancellation for oil flax
Law project “About rates of export customs on seed of certain types of plants" registered under number of 4734 in the parliament on May 31, 2016 regarding cancellation of export custom on oil flax, granulated or not, and false flax. Association UCAB supports this initiative as planned cancellation will allow increasing production and export.
Which reforms needed for agro education?
Round table “Agro education – business expectations” organized by the Association “Ukrain-ian Agribusiness Club”, agency AgriEvent, Federation of agro industry employers and “Agroosvita” held on May 19, 2016. Business, government, NGOs and related entities’ repre-sentatives have discussed current issues and perspectives of agro education, its compliance with most recent practical urgencies and business willingness to participate in education de-velopment.
UCAB supports decrease of custom duty on livestock’s export
Government intends to lower custom duty for animal breeding companies on export deals with livestock.
Agro business needs land strategy vision – UCAB
During planned six months law act draft on agro land market issues has not been registered in parliament.
Agrarians are reporting about high levels of corruption in the profile state agencies
Agribusiness Club” in March 2016 – the level of corruption in government regulatory services is still remaining at high level. Agrarians named the most corrupt authorities: The State Service of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster in Ukraine, State Automobile Inspection of Ukraine and State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. The newly created State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection showed the most significant reductions of corruption.
Agrarian associations demand to stabilize the situation in the fertilizers market
Nongovernment professional organizations have addressed to the Cabinet of Ministers and the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatseniuk a request to stabilize the situation in the market of mineral fertilizers in Ukraine with the purpose to give domestic agricultural producers better access to them. The corresponding letter was signed by leaders of such organizations: Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club", Agrarian Union of Ukraine, Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine, Association "Union of Feed Producers of Ukraine”, "Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation", "Ukrainian Agrarian Association”.
Cancelling export duty on flax will double production
Ukrainian Agribusiness Club supports cancelling export duty on flax seeds. In case it is cancelled in 2016, the industrial areas under this crop can be doubled in two or three years. And the increased exports of flax seeds can bring additional USD 45-50 mln, and potentially more.