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16 January 2025

Lobbying news


Shutdown of chemical factories threatens disruption of sowing campaign

sowing campaign 2017 seeds UCAB

Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’, People's Deputies of Ukraine, members of the Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations applied to Volodymyr Hroisman, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, with the issue concerning urgent resumption of the Ukrainian chemical factories.

An extremely critical situation has developed at the market of mineral fertilizers. Due to the operator’s restriction of gas pipeline system of the PJSC ‘Ukrtransgaz’ supplying gas for two chemical factories of Ostchem holding company (PJSC ‘Rivneazot’ (Rivne city), PJSC ‘Azot’ (Cherkassy city)) which provide production of 80% of nitrogen fertilizers in Ukraine, the operation of the factories has been suspended.

Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’, People's Deputies of Ukraine and members of the Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations applied to Volodymyr Hroisman, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, to take the necessary measures within the shortest possible time in order to resolve the situation with gas supply for chemical factories. Fertilizer deficit that has emerged in the market can lead to significant losses in agricultural production, insufficient receipt of currency returns as well as serious crisis in agro-industrial complex.

 ‘Application of nitrogen fertilizers is an extremely important part of the agricultural technologies. If they are not applied at the moment, then all the previous work on the fields will be neutralized including other types of fertilizers preliminarily applied and use of high-quality seeds or protection products - explained Taras Vysotskyi, General Director of the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ - You have to understand that if there is a deviation of 5-10% from the planned technology, it will adversely affect the yield. It is urgently necessary to put into operation factories as well as resume production of fertilizers and their shipment. Now we are not in position to increase sharply procurement of the foreign nitrate fertilizers in adequate quantities since the domestic logistics does not allow to expand imports within a short time’.

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