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24 October 2024


AgriSurvey agency provides a full range of multi-client and ad-hoc marketing and business-consulting research for key players in agricultural and related sectors of Ukraine.  Today, AgriSurvey is a leader on the market of ad hoc research in agribusiness of Ukraine.

Our advantages

AgriSurvey agency has a regularly updated database of about 10, 000 agricultural enterprises with contacts, legal, statistical and performance indicators, and maintains actively contacts with the owners and managers of the largest producers and processors of agricultural products.

Areas of expertise

AgriSurvey agency offers and has experience in research in the following sectors:

  • Agriculture and food processing: crops (grains, oilseeds, sugar beet, fruits and vegetables), animal products (milk, beef, pork, poultry).
  • Inputs: seeds, agrochemicals; agricultural machinery; financial instruments.


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Ad hoc research for membership UCAB (UA language) only for member UCAB


Non-member of UCAB? To access our studies, please contact

+38 (067) 158 18 15

Svitlana Lytvyn

[email protected]


For more information please visit Ukrainian version of the web-site.


Niche agricultural production directions: peas

Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ continues a series of studies of the perspective niche agricultural markets. This publication presents analysis of peas. With the fall of the Soviet Union peas gradually disappeared from the Ukrainian fields due to decline of the livestock and lack of the developed sales markets. However, rising global demand as well as development of growing technologies are making this crop more attractive for the Ukrainian producers. Thus, within the last 5 years production of peas in Ukraine increased more than twice, and at the international market Ukraine ranks 5th place in terms of export volumes. More detailed information about peas market can be found in the research of UCAB



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA.

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, 53.6 % increase of export of agricultural products is observed amounting up to USD 1.4 billion as well as 16% increase of import amounting up to USD 0.3 billion.



World prices for soybean reduced

Decrease of market price for soybean was stipulated by the beginning of harvesting in Brazil. USDA production forecasts for 2016/2017 were increased up to 104 mln. tons that is 7.5 mln. tons more than the previous marketing year. For more detailed information about trends and prices on the soybean market, please refer to the weekly overview of grain crops and oilseeds at UCAB website, section ‘Analytical information’, subsection ‘Crop production’.



Review of grain crops and oilseeds markets over 20-27 January 2017

Worsening of trade relations between the USA and Mexico can lead to the fall of world prices for corn. Mexico is the main consumer of the American corn and consumes more than 12 mln. tons per year. For more detailed information about prices on the market, please refer to the weekly overview of grain crops and oilseeds at UCAB website, section ‘Analytical information’, subsection ‘Crop production’.



Cost of grain crops increased

Upward price trend was observed on the grain crop market within the past week. The cost of wheat increased by 1.1% amounting to 4,550 UAH/t, barley - by 5.3% amounting to 4,000 UAH/t, corn – by 3.5% amounting to 4,450 UAH/t. For more detailed information about reasons and situation on the market, please refer to the weekly overview of grain crops and oilseeds at UCAB website, section ‘Analytical information’, subsection ‘Crop production’



Spelt is a perspective segment of the European market

The share of spelt export from Ukraine is low, since it is not distinguished into a separate export category and referred to category of other grain crops. But growing of this crop could be a promising activity in view of increasing demand for gluten-free products in Europe.



Review of grain crops and oilseeds markets over 12 – 18 December

Multisided price trend was observed on the grain crop market within the past week.



Niche agricultural production directions: potato

Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ continues a series of studies of the perspective niche agricultural markets. This publication presents analysis of potato. According to the official data, in 2015 profitability of potato production is 24 %. However, on the condition of development and application of effective flow process chart, 300% profitability can be reached. 98% of the gross output of potatoes is produced by households and only 2% - by agricultural enterprises. More detailed information about potato market can be found in the research of UCAB



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January-November 2016 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA.

According to the State Fiscal Service, over the first eleven months of 2016 comparing to the same period in 2015, 4 % increase of export of agricultural products is observed amounting up to USD 13.6 billion as well as 11% increase of import amounting up to USD 3.5 billion.



Review of meat market as of 30 November 2016

Pursuant to the prices survey, in the second and third weeks of November an increase of purchase prices for live cattle is observed. The price on bulls increased by an average of 3%, the price on cows of high finishing as well as pigs of bacon types increased by1%.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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