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23 July 2024


Ukraine is reducing pressure of the regulatory authorities on the farmers

The farmers will soon feel the decrease in control of the regulatory authorities over their activity, Mykola Azarov Official Website reports. The respective work will be facilitated in the Ministry of Agriculture. Also, the water fine from the Ministry of Ecology has been recently canceled. In addition, as part of the project the «Native village» the weekly meetings will be held in the regions.



Ukraine plans to produce 1.5 mln tons of sugar this year, agriculture minister says

This year, sugar supply in the domestic market will be about 1.5 million tons, Minister of Agriculture and Food Mykola Prysiazhniuk told reporters on Monday.



Farmers supply 745,000 tons of grain to Agrarian Fund

Ukrainian farmers supplied 745,000 tons of grain to the storage facilities of the Agrarian Fund of Ukraine as of September 9, 2013, the press service of the Agrarian Fund of Ukraine has reported.



FAO: Global food prices continue to drop

Food prices dropped for the fourth month in a row in August reaching its lowest level since June 2012, UN Radio says referring to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recent report. The FAO Food Price Index measures the monthly change in the international prices of a basket of food commodities.



Ukraine and Customs Union tackle issue of passage of goods across custom border

Custom authorities of Ukraine in cooperation with custom authorities of the Russian Federation and relevant experts of Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia will develop effective cooperation mechanisms to address an issue of passage of goods across the custom border of Ukraine and the Customs Union in the case of Ukraine sign an agreement on association and the free trade area with the EU.



Ukraine to expand list of laboratories for accreditation by Rospotrebnadzor

Ukraine has sent to the Federal service on customers’ rights protection and human well-being surveillance (Rospotrebnadzor) the first package of documents for the accreditation of special laboratories in Ukraine last week. As of today, other 4 laboratories have been already determined; documentation regarding these laboratories is to be sent to Russia soo



EBRD: Agriculture could be Ukraine’s locomotive

Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Ukraine Sevki Acuner believes that agriculture will be the engine of Ukraine’s development, if the sector focuses on the further stages in the processing instead of primary production.



Ukraine, Japan to sign treaty on mutual protection of investments

Ukraine and Japan are interested in signing a treaty on mutual protection of investments, Japans Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida has said.



Ukraine can join certain provisions of Eurasian or Customs Union which are not counter to WTO rules

This is what the Head of State said in an interview to Ukrainian TV channels, NRCU reports. Now those negotiations continue. Neither of the parties is agaunst it, Europe in particular, with which Ukraine plans to sign an FTA.



Egypts GASC buys 295,000 T Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian wheat

Egypt, the worlds biggest importer of wheat, bought 295,000 tons of Ukrainian, Romanian and Russian wheat for shipment Oct. 1-10 on Tender No.6 of 28/8/2013.

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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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