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21 July 2024



Only producers should sell their production at agricultural fairs

 Only producers should sell agricultural production at fairs. Dealers should not participate. It was announced by Mykola Prysyazhnyuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food during his visit to the fair in Kiev. In his opinion, such events should provide only domestic products and their price should be cost-effective for the producer and acceptable to the buyer.

"I am not satisfied the appearance of intermediaries and imported fruit and vegetables at the fairs. At agricultural fairs should be only producers and consumers. This is our aim," said the Minister.

Mykola Prysyazhnyuk said that such events provide consumers with a good price of agricultural products. Therefore, it is very important to avoid intermediaries as they raise the prices.

"Dealers are an integral part of the market economy. However, when their actions are ungrounded we should deal with them. Thus, our task is to remove unnecessary middlemen from the fair that is the shortest way from producer to consumer," said the Minister.
He said that in a few weeks Kiev launches a pilot project "Native Village". There will be 20 units where farmers, including cooperators will be able to sell their products.

"Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine in cooperation with the local government launch the pilot project " Native Village " in 15 days. It will be organized 20 certified and civilized units where cooperators will sell their production. I hope that this step will be effective and will provide a decent price for producers and consumers," said the Minister.

It should be mentioned that Mykola Prysyazhnyuk said that this year farmers would collect about 22 million tons of potato while the domestic consumption was 6 mln.  The vegetable gross production will reach 9.4 million while the consumption is 7 mln. That means that there will not be any shortage of vegetables this year.
Press Service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food

  • Baker TILLY
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