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21 July 2024



Association deal with EU to help improve quality of Ukrainian products, Yanukovych says

 The signature of an Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union will help domestic producers obtain not only best conditions to supply the European market with their products, but also improve the quality of products, move to European standards of their manufacturing.

President Viktor Yanukovych told this to reporters in Kirovohrad on Thursday, the presidents press office said in a statement.
I hope that the gradual implementation of the provisions of a free trade area will create conditions for our producers to move to the new European standards. On the one hand we will be able to deliver more our products to the European market, on the other - we will have to move to the European quality standards of our products, the president noted.
According to him, the sides are almost ready for the implementation and enactment of interim provisions of the Agreement.
The provisions give hope that we get better conditions for export to European markets than we have at the moment,Yanukovych said, when asked by a reporter about the prospects for the development of agricultural companies after the signing of the instrument.
Today, at the bilateral level, we are working out the issue of how we will put this Agreement into practice, he said.
The president also noted that improving the quality of Ukrainian products will not only allow domestic enterprises to reach new sales volumes, but supply Ukrainian consumers with better products.
This will require that our companies make products of higher quality, but the same products will be supplied to the Ukrainian market, and this will also benefit Ukrainian consumers, Yanukovych underscored.

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