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21 July 2024



FAO: Latest estimates show 30 million less hungry people in the world in 2013

 Calls to build more effective links between international policies and the daily needs of millions of the worlds most vulnerable people were echoed Monday as the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) began meeting in Rome, UN Radio reports. The committee is the world’s most important intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder platform for food security and nutrition. Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization José Graziano da Silva says new hunger figures released earlier show that undernourishment continues to fall.

«The latest estimates signal there are about 36 million less hungry people in the world in 2013, compared with last year. And we continue to progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goal hunger target to reducing by half the proportion of the undernourished population between 1990 and 2015.» According to the latest estimates, the proportion of hungry people has fallen in the developing world from around 24 percent to 14 percent," Mr. da Silva admits. FAO chief Graziano da Silva says he sees many challenges ahead, but also progress and successful experiences that can be built on.


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