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05 September 2024

Agrarian news


Ukraine: 47% of winter crop sowings show good condition

As of June 24, 2010, nearly 3.7 mln ha of winter grain sowing areas in Ukraine showed good condition indices, which totaled 47% from the general sowing areas in the country. Nearly 3.27 mln ha of winter crops sowing areas or 41.5% showed satisfactory condition indices, informed the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.



Ukraine: Kernel announced about purchasing of 94% of Allseeds company shares

At the present time, Kernel is checking the technical conditions and estimating the business practicality of selling of some acquired assets in Nikolayev.



Ukraine: average weighted purchasing price for 3-grade wheat lowered

As of June 25, 2010, the average weighted purchasing price for 3-grade wheat in Ukraine totaled 1185 UAH/t, a decrease of 4% compared to the price index of the same date of the previous year, and down 7 UAH/t compared to the previous week, informed the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, referring to operative data of levels of average weighted purchasing prices for grains in Ukraine.



Ukraine. Government issues almost UAH 3bln to cheapen credits for agrarians

The Cabinet allocated from the state budget's stabilization fund UAH 2.903 billion (USD 1/UAH 7.91) to cheapen credits and to finance investment projects in the agroindustrial complex.



Ukraine. Agriculture Ministry: 89% of winter crops in good, satisfactory condition as of June 24

Winter grain crops in Ukraine were in a good condition on an area of almost 3.7 million hectares as of June 24, 2010, or 47% of the area under crops, while 3.27 million hectares sown with winter crops, or 41.5%, were in a satisfactory condition, according to a statement posted on the website of the Ukrainian Agriculture Ministry.



Ukraine : Ukraine plans to export 21mn tons of grain in 2010

Ukraine will export more than 21 million tons of grain in 2010, Minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Prysiazhniuk predicts.



Ukraine: Agrarian Fund to start grain purchases

The Agrarian Fund plans to start grain purchases beginning from July 1, 2010, declared Nikolay Prysiaghniuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.



Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine to found the State Agrarian Bank, Agrarian Exchange, and the national grain market operator

On June 23, Nikolay Prysiaghniuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, announced that the Ministry of Agrarian Policy is working-up the law decrees regarding the further foundation of the State Agrarian Bank, the Agrarian Exchange, and also the national grain market operator.



United States hopes for quicker resumption of cooperation between Ukraine and IMF

The United States hopes that Ukraine will more quickly restart its cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft said at a meeting with journalists and experts in Kyiv on Thursday.



Ukraine and Germany to develop East-West grain transportation

Ukraine and Germany will jointly develop cargo transportation in the East-West direction, Deputy Director General of Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian Railways) Viktor Chorny and Director of Region East at DB Shenker Hans Georg Werner said.

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