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31 July 2024



Ukraine and Kazakhstan not to take the place of Russia on the world grain market

Ukraine and Kazakhstan will not take the place of Russia on the world grain market, stated Elena Skrynnik, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Ukraine and Kazakhstan assume the similar measures oriented for limitation of grain exports, as the Russian government did. The countries provide the suffered regions with the required grain volumes, announced E.Skrynnik.

The situation with droughts in those countries is probably better than in Russia, but in any case, it is not so optimistic to be sure that they will take the place of Russia, added the Minister.

According to her, the USA, where the weather conditions are normal, will possibly take the place of Russia on the market.

The Minister stated that during recent years, Russia took the second– third place by grain export volumes in the world.

E.Skrynnik noted that according to the current optimistic (65 mln tonnes) and pessimistic (60 mln tonnes) forecast, the existing stocks allow to be sure that the domestic demands in grains will be completely satisfied.

Besides, as of to date, the Minister announced that the Russian Federation harvested 38 mln tonnes of grains.

Previously, the Government of the Russian Federation enforced the export ban for grains from the territory of Russia in the period from August 15 to December 31, 2010. Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister of Russia, has already signed the corresponding Decree. In privately, the Government banned wheat, barley, rye, maize, wheat flour or rye-wheat flour exports.

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