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17 September 2024


Australia's wheat forecast likely seen edging up

Estimates of Australia's 2009/10 wheat crop are expected to nudge higher in coming weeks as favourable weather has lifted prospects in Western Australia and the country's southern wheat belts ahead of harvest.



President of company Biscuit-Chocolate expects rise of sugar prices

Alla Kovalenko, the president of the company Biscuit-Chocolate, considers that sugar prices will be high in Ukraine in the following two years. It is explained by reduction of yield of sugar-beet, rising prices of energy carriers in Ukraine, as well as an increase of sugar prices in the world market because of bad harvest of sugar-cane in India and Brazil.



Export duties for sunflower seed to stay

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and the Association of sunflower oil producers (“Ukroliyaprom”) crusade for keeping of the export duties (13%) fro sunflower seed in the country. However, agrarians, growing the oilseed, insist on the cancellation of the export fee, due to the low price of sunflower seed and the desire of agrarians to gain on the foreign market at the expense of sunflower sales.



Pakko and Agrokontrakt come to agreement on merger

Two Ukrainian food retailers Pakko and Agrokontrakt have reached framework agreement on merger of assets. The merger is aimed to attract a large foreign investment fund to the project selling it a minor shareholding in the united company.



Ministry of Agriculture of Russia increased the forecast of grain harvest

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in creased the forecast of grain harvest in the current year in the country to the level of 93 mln tonnes.



Japan will allocate a 1.7 million US dollars grant to Moldova to implement the 2 KR project.

According to the press release of the Japan’s Embassy in Moldova, the allocation of funds is stipulated by the agreement signed by the Ambassador of Japan to Moldova Tadashi Izawa and the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova Valeriu Cosarciuc on October 7th.



US Dairy Industry To Receive Financial Support

Funding to help the struggling dairy industry has been approved in the 2010 Agriculture Appropriations bill.



Russia increases foodstuffs imports in September

Russia has significantly increased the imports of dairy products in September. According to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia the growth in September amounted to 34,4% - to US$95,2 million in value terms.



Ukraine GDP to decline about 15 percent this year

The Ukrainian Audit Chamber forecasts a GDP decline at the level of 15 to 16 percent this year, the chairman of the Audit Chamber, Valentin Simonenko, said on Wednesday when parliament discussed the implementation of the state budget in the first half of this year.



Cattle population down in Ukraine

According to the State Statistics Committee, as of September 1, cattle population fell by 83.5 thousand heads, or by 1.46 % and made up 5,652.6 million heads at all categories of economies against the previous month data.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
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  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
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