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02 September 2024

Agrarian news


S&P sees no grounds for a default

Standard & Poor`s reported that Ukraine’s post election political risks would not prevent the new government from getting the budget adopted and renewing its work with international lenders. This will allow the state to fill in the budget deficit and minimize default risks. Ukrainian experts confirm the optimistic assessments of S&P because the amount of external payments is insignificant in 2010.



Nibulon launches two river-sea barges

Nibulon announced on Feb. 12 the launch of two river-sea barges.



Meat Output in January 2010 Up 0.9%.

According to data from the State Statistics Committee, Ukraine produced 26.61 million tons of meat in January 2010 a 0.9% increase compared with January 2009.



Agrarian companies have favorable conditions for development - expert

Ukrainian agrarian companies have favorable conditions for development thanks to low expenditures for expansion of the land bank and a special taxation mode, analytical report by the BG Capital investment company reads.



Ukraine to raise railroads tariffs from April 1st

Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine has prepared a draft order for increased tariffs rates from 1 April this year on transportation of major commodities via the country’s railroads, at least up 2.91 - 3.2 percent from current rates. The Ministry posted the draft document on its official website. The Ministry has also proposed to increase the cost of shipment of most types of cargoes to 6.51 – 6.8% from 1 July this year and up to 11.86-12 percent from October 1st, 2010.



Agrarians get UAH 160mln of credits for sowing campaign out of necessary UAH 5bln

Agrarians got for the sowing campaign UAH 160 million of credits out of the necessary UAH 5 billion (USD 1/UAH 8.0024), First Deputy Agrarian Policy Minister Yuriy Luzan informed.



The area under winter wheat is slightly larger than in 2009

The area under winter wheat is slightly larger than in 2009. The estimated total wheat area is nearly 250 Th ha greater than last year.



Bulgaria Boosts Wine Export to Russia

Bulgaria’s Ministry of Agriculture reported a considerable increase of wine export to Russia. In November-December 2009 over 9.2 million liters of wine were sold on this large market, according to Krassimir Koev, CEO of the Wine and Vine Chamber.



Pakistan. Sunflower growers asked to sow spring crop by end-February

The Punjab Agriculture Department advised the sunflower growers to complete sowing of their spring crop in plain areas of the province by the end of this month and in Rawalpindi division (except hilly areas) sowing should be completed from the end of February to March 20, 2010.



Ukraine’s Economy Shrank 15% in 2009, Ministry Says

Ukraine’s economic output plunged 15 percent last year, the most since 1994, because of the global financial crisis, the Economy Ministry said.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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