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29 July 2024



State Treasury unblocks transfer of subsidies to meat and milk producers

The State Treasury of Ukraine has unblocked the transfer of subsidies to meat and milk producers, the Agriculture Ministry has reported, citing the director of the ministry's department of finance, Hryhoriy Zub.
He said that since 2010, the State Treasury had blocked on the same account the funds accumulated as payments to meat and milk producers. However, following requests submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Treasury, accounts were unblocked and funds are now being transferred to farmers.
Zub also said that the delay with the payment of subsidies had started in December 2009, when a law on state support for meat and milk producers was cancelled, while a new one was not passed. "Now the new law has been passed and signed by the president, and the State Treasury has no right to block the accounts," he said.

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