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29 July 2024



Ukraine to open more GMO labs

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved of a resolution drafted by the Ministry of Economy providing for establishment of another 17 laboratories on testing genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food products.
In Ukraine currently operates 28 GMO laboratories with 9 of them run by the State Committee on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy (DerzhSpozhyvStandard) and 17 - the Ministry of Health. The Verkhovna Rada introduced on December 17 a mandatory labeling of foodstuffs containing genetically modified organisms (GMO). The product label must be attached with the inscription 'Containing GMO' or 'GMO free' respectively [the 'GMO-free label has been voluntary until now]. On July 1, 2009 the Cabinet of Ministers increased the level of genetically modified organisms in foodstuffs for their compulsory labeling from 0.1% to 0.9%.

  • Baker TILLY
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